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Generating questions from text (NLP)

What approaches are there to generating question from a sentence? Let's say I have a sentence "Jim's dog was very hairy and smelled like wet newspaper" - which toolkit is capable of generating a question like "What did Jim's dog smelled like?" or "How hairy was Jim's dog?"


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Daniel Protopopov Avatar asked Jul 25 '11 11:07

Daniel Protopopov

People also ask

What is question generation NLP?

Introduction. Automatic question generation is part of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is an area of research where many researchers have presented their work and is still an area under research to achieve higher accuracy.

Can Ai generate questions?

With Quillionz generating smart and contextual questions for any study material is easy as one, two, three. It is powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology to process the text and generate relevant questions.

What is automatic question generation?

Automatic Question Generation (AQG) is a process by which computer systems generate natural-language questions (interrogative-form sentences). While early attempts at automatic question generation go back to the 1970s, the field has advanced tremendously in the last fifteen years.

2 Answers

Unfortunately there isn't one, exactly. There is some code written as part of Michael Heilman's PhD dissertation at CMU; perhaps you'll find it and its corresponding papers interesting?

If it helps, the topic you want information on is called "question generation". This is pretty much the opposite of what Watson does, even though "here is an answer, generate the corresponding question" is exactly how Jeopardy is played. But actually, Watson is a "question answering" system.

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dmn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09


In addition to the link to Michael Heilman's PhD provided by dmn, I recommend checking out the following papers:

  • Automatic Question Generation and Answer Judging: A Q&A Game for Language Learning (Yushi Xu, Anna Goldie, Stephanie Seneff)
  • Automatic Question Generationg from Sentences (Husam Ali, Yllias Chali, Sadid A. Hasan)
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Maniacal Science Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Maniacal Science