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E426: tag not found error all the time

I've got a macvim snapshot 64 downloaded from https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim/downloads and exuberant ctags installed via homebrew:

which ctags

my tags variable in vim looks like this:

:echo &tags

and I generated the tags file with rails-vim's :Rtags command:

file tmp/tags 
tmp/tags: Exuberant Ctags tag file text

the problem is that whether I use C-] or :tag it all fails with a E426 tag not found error.

The tag is definitely there:

cat tmp/tags | grep post_image
post_image  /Users/macovsky/code/faces/app/helpers/posts_helper.rb  /^  def post_image(post, style)$/;" f   class:PostsHelper

Any suggestions? Thank you.

like image 203
shlyapa Avatar asked Mar 11 '12 12:03


1 Answers

Make sure you added a semicolon to your tag paths in .vimrc:

set tags=./tags;,./gems.tags;

There is an explanation.

like image 97
Anton Orel Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 20:11

Anton Orel