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Dynamics Crm: Get metadata for statuscode/statecode mapping

In Dynamics CRM 2011, on the Incident entity, the "Status Reason" optionset (aka statuscode) is related to the "Status" optionset (aka statecode)

e.g. see this screenshot

screenshot of CRM field options

When I use the API to retrieve the Status Reason optionset, like so:

        RetrieveAttributeRequest attributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
            EntityLogicalName = "incident",
            LogicalName = "statuscode",
            RetrieveAsIfPublished = true
        RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse = (RetrieveAttributeResponse)serv.Execute(attributeRequest);
        AttributeMetadata attrMetadata = (AttributeMetadata)attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
        StatusAttributeMetadata statusMetadata = (StatusAttributeMetadata)attrMetadata;
        var dict = new Dictionary<int?, string>();
        foreach (OptionMetadata optionMeta in statusMetadata.OptionSet.Options)
            dict.Add(optionMeta.Value, optionMeta.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label);

It works in that I get the whole list of "Status Reason" (statuscode) options. However, I dont get any info about which "Status Reason" (statuscode) options relate to which "Status" (statecode) options.

How do I get that information?

like image 283
codeulike Avatar asked Mar 17 '13 17:03


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2 Answers

You already have everything try insert this code inside of foreach:

 int stateOptionValue = (int)((StatusOptionMetadata)optionMeta).State;

See StatusAttributeMetaData.OptionSet.Options hierarchy can return a type called StatusOptionMetadata if you use the State property of the StatusOptionMetadata, it will return the statecode this statuscode belongs to.

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Pedro Azevedo Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Pedro Azevedo

Here is working code that will output State/Status mapping for a given entity (you just need to provide the orgServiceProxy):

    var dictState = new Dictionary<int, OptionMetadata>();
    var dictStatus = new Dictionary<int, List<OptionMetadata>>();

    string entityName = "lead";
    int count=0;
    using (var orgServiceProxy = GetOrgServiceProxy(orgServiceUriOnLine))
        RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse = GetAttributeData(orgServiceProxy, entityName, "statecode");
        AttributeMetadata attrMetadata = (AttributeMetadata)attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
        StateAttributeMetadata stateMetadata = (StateAttributeMetadata)attrMetadata;
        foreach (OptionMetadata optionMeta in stateMetadata.OptionSet.Options)
            dictStatus.Add(optionMeta.Value.Value,new List<OptionMetadata>());

        attributeResponse = GetAttributeData(orgServiceProxy, entityName, "statuscode");
        attrMetadata = (AttributeMetadata)attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
        StatusAttributeMetadata statusMetadata = (StatusAttributeMetadata)attrMetadata;

        foreach (OptionMetadata optionMeta in statusMetadata.OptionSet.Options)
            int stateOptionValue = ((StatusOptionMetadata)optionMeta).State.Value;
            var statusList = dictStatus[stateOptionValue];
    Console.WriteLine($"Number of mappings: {count}");
    foreach (var stateKvp in dictState.OrderBy(x=> x.Key))
        Console.WriteLine($"State: {stateKvp.Value.Value}: {stateKvp.Value.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label}");
        var statusList = dictStatus[stateKvp.Key];
        foreach (var status in statusList.OrderBy(s => s.Value))
            Console.WriteLine($"\t\t{stateKvp.Value.Value}: {status.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label}");
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Raj Rao Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Raj Rao