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Drop pandas dataframe rows based on groupby() condition




There is a pandas dataframe on input:

store_id item_id  items_sold        date
1          1          0        2015-12-28
1          2          1        2015-12-28
1          1          0        2015-12-28
2          2          0        2015-12-28
2          1          1        2015-12-29
2          2          1        2015-12-29
2          1          0        2015-12-29
3          1          0        2015-12-30
3          1          0        2015-12-30

I need to drop all rows with items that have never been sold in particular store: pairs (1,1), (3,1) of (store_id, item_id) in the dataframe

The output i expect is following:

store_id item_id  items_sold        date
1          2          1        2015-12-28
2          2          0        2015-12-28
2          1          1        2015-12-29
2          2          1        2015-12-29
2          1          0        2015-12-29

I've figured out how to find required pairs of (store_id, item_id) using pd.groupby()[].sum(), but stuck with dropping them from initial dataframe

like image 968
Sasha Korekov Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 20:03

Sasha Korekov

1 Answers

is that what you want?

In [30]: df[df.groupby(['store_id', 'item_id'])['items_sold'].transform('sum') > 0]
   store_id  item_id  items_sold        date
1         1        2           1  2015-12-28
3         2        2           0  2015-12-28
4         2        1           1  2015-12-29
5         2        2           1  2015-12-29
6         2        1           0  2015-12-29
like image 93
MaxU - stop WAR against UA Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 03:03

MaxU - stop WAR against UA