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Multiprocessing with pool in python: About several instances with same name at the same time

I'm kind of new to multiprocessing. However, assume that we have a program as below. The program seems to work fine. Now to the question. In my opinion we will have 4 instances of SomeKindOfClass with the same name (a) at the same time. How is that possible? Moreover, is there a potential risk with this kind of programming?

from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
import numpy
from theFile import someKindOfClass

n = 8 
allOutputs = numpy.zeros(n)

def work(index):   
    a = SomeKindOfClass()
    allOutputs[index] = a.output

pool = Pool(processes=4) 
like image 564
CrazyChris Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 23:03


1 Answers

The name a is only local in scope within your work function, so there is no conflict of names here. Internally python will keep track of each class instance with a unique identifier. If you wanted to check this you could check the object id using the id function:


I don't see any issues with your code.

like image 167
amicitas Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 20:03
