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dplyr mutate/transmute: drop only the columns used in the formula




Suppose my data frame has columns A, B, C, D, E.

I want to produce a data frame with columns A, B, C, X, where X = D * E.

Obviously I can use %>% mutate(X = D * E) %>% select (-D, -E), but for more elaborate situations, is there a way to do it in a single command? Like transmute(), but only discarding the columns that were mentioned.

Silly, but I keep wishing for this bit of conciseness.

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David Kaufman Avatar asked Jul 19 '18 16:07

David Kaufman

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1 Answers

There are now an experimental method added to mutate which allows you to do this in one operation:

df %>% mutate(X = D * E, .keep = "unused")

It is also possible to specify where the new variables goes between the others. See https://rdrr.io/github/tidyverse/dplyr/man/mutate.html

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Rasmus Ø. Pedersen Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Rasmus Ø. Pedersen