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Reduce file size of R Markdown HTML output

If I create a very basic R Markdown file with no images or code and knit this HTML, I end up with an outputted file size that is more than 700kb in size. Is there any way to reduce the HTML file size?

Minimal Example:

title: "Hello world!"
html_document: default
html_notebook: default

Nothing else to say, really.

The output file from html_document is 708.6 kb in size, while html_notebook is 765.7 kb.

like image 711
giocomai Avatar asked Dec 20 '16 08:12


People also ask

How do I export R Markdown to HTML?

To transform your markdown file into an HTML, PDF, or Word document, click the “Knit” icon that appears above your file in the scripts editor. A drop down menu will let you select the type of output that you want. When you click the button, rmarkdown will duplicate your text in the new file format.

What output formats can be generate from R Markdown?

There are two types of output formats in the rmarkdown package: documents, and presentations.

What is the difference between R Markdown and Markdown?

R Markdown is an extension of the markdown syntax. R Markdown files are plain text files that typically have the file extension . Rmd . They are written using an extension of markdown syntax that enables R code to be embedded in them in a way which can later be executed.

2 Answers

The simplest, most direct method to prevent the unwanted insertion of the bootstrap libraries into the preamble of the HTML document is to add the additional markdown flag "theme: null".

     theme: null

This is more desirable than self_contained: false because it does not prevent insertion of images or other components need to keep the portable document.

In my opinion, it is more desirable than changing to html_vignette because it does not absorb the other changes imposed by that processor.

Please remember that IF your document uses a template, the theme argument is ignored and you need to specify theme=NULL in the rmarkdown::render function.

like image 176
pauljohn32 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10


The reason for the big file size is that knit creates self-contained files by default and therefore includes javascript dependencies (bootstrap, highlight, jquery, navigation) as base64 encoded string. See: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#document_dependencies

In your simple case the javascript capabilities are not required therefore you could do the following:

title: "Hello world!"
    self_contained: false
    lib_dir: libs

Nothing else to say, really.

This will create a html file of size ~2.7kB and a separate libs folder with the javascript files. However the libs folder is nearly 4MB in size. And although you don't necessarily need the javascript libraries the html file still tries to load them.

If you are interested in a truly minimal version you can have a look at the html_fragment output option (http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_fragment_format.html):

title: "Hello world!"
  html_fragment: default

Nothing else to say, really.

This will however not create a full html page but rather html content that can be included into another website. The test.html file is just 36 bytes. Still browsers will be able to display it.

As a last resort you can create a custom html template for pandoc: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#custom_templates

like image 28
Markus Ankenbrand Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Markus Ankenbrand