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Double scroll bars when using the Panels of jQuery Mobile 1.3 in ASP.NET MVC 4

I cannot figure this out. Once I put the following code in the layout page and view it in a browser I'm showing 2 vertical scroll bars.

<div data-role="panel" 
</div><!-- /panel -->
like image 724
Gary R Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 04:04

Gary R

2 Answers

Was having a similar problem and noticed that was only when using my custom theme. I was adding my custom theme on the wrong order to the page and that was causing the problem. The right order is:


Hope this helps someone else also.

As mentioned by @user812775 if you are using a custom theme you should only use the jquery.mobile.structure.css and not the full jquery.mobile.css

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Claiton Lovato Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Claiton Lovato

JQM Code adds "min-height: ..." so the solution is to override "min-height: to 0px.

like image 25
Gary R Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Gary R