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jQuery JSONP not calling the callback

I am having some problem with jsonp and jquery.

This is my code -

var myCallback = function(data) {

  url: my_url,
  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  jsonp: 'callback',
  jsonpCallback: 'myCallback'

jQuery adds something like ?callback=myCallback&_=1340513330866 to my_url and the data returned from my_url is myCallback('abcd') - although in reality it will be returning some HTML code instead of the abcd.

Problem: abcd is not logged in console through myCallback. So what am i doing wrong ? I was under the impression that the data returned will be executed as it is inside script tags ?

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user1437328 Avatar asked Jun 24 '12 04:06


2 Answers

If you use your own function, then you have to explicitly declare it as global. For example:

window.myCallback = function(data) {



Every function that should be called in response to a successful JSONP request must be global. jQuery is doing this as well. This is because JSONP is nothing else than including a (dynamically generated (most of the time)) JavaScript file with a <script> tag, which only contains a function call. Since each script is evaluated in global scope, the function that is called must be global as well.

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Felix Kling Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Felix Kling

1) move the single quote from the called method (as Umesh Aawte wrote)

2) make the callback global

3) your callback is a part of jQuery now so this is your way to get your datas

hereafter the solution: (using jQuery : v3.3.1, node : v6.10.0, express : v4.16.3

window.myCallback = function() {

  url: my_url,
  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'jsonp',
  jsonp: 'myCallback',
  jsonpCallback: myCallback

that's all folks!

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marcdahan Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10
