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Typedef in javascript



Is it possible to typedef things in javascript somehow? Maybe by getting it from the prototype object or something?

For instance, i'd like to typedef the var keyword.

var string = prototype.var;

So now in stead of using 'var' i can use:

string blaat = "It's like using the 'var' keyword";

Is this possible somehow in javascript?

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Vivendi Avatar asked Mar 17 '12 19:03


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1 Answers

No, this is not possible. Period.

Your example is also an impossible thing to want, even though I understand the motivation. JavaScript is dynamically typed. You cannot declare variables to be string. And in that light the whole statement string x = "foo"; is pointless.

EDIT Yes, it's possible to achieve this effect with TypeScript. No, TypeScript is not JavaScript. The question was about the latter. That you can do a similar thing in a completely different programming language does not make this answer incorrect or obsolete.

Declaring a variable as, e.g., string will remain impossible in JavaScript until the day when the ECMAScript Standard adds static typing to the language.

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Tomalak Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
