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Does Windows batch support exception handling?

Does Windows batch programming support exception handling? If not, is there any way to effectively emulate exception handling within batch files?

I would like to be able to "throw an exception" anywhere within a batch script, at any CALL level, and have the CALL stack popped repeatedly until it finds an active "TRY block", whereupon a "CATCH block" can handle the exception fully and carry on, or do some cleanup and continue popping the CALL stack. If the exception is never handled, then batch processing is terminated and control returns to the command line context with an error message.

There are already couple posted ways to terminate batch processing at any CALL depth, but none of those techniques allow for any structured cleanup activity that would normally be provided within other languages via exception handling.

Note: This is a case where I already know a good answer that has only recently been discovered, and I want to share the info

like image 370
dbenham Avatar asked Jul 16 '15 04:07


People also ask

Can a batch file take arguments?

Batch scripts support the concept of command line arguments wherein arguments can be passed to the batch file when invoked. The arguments can be called from the batch files through the variables %1, %2, %3, and so on.

How do I check batch file errors?

To test for a specific ERRORLEVEL, use an IF command with the %ERRORLEVEL% variable. n.b. Some errors may return a negative number. If the batch file is being executed as a scheduled task, then exiting with an error code will be logged as a failed task. You can monitor the event log to discover those failures.

Are batch script case sensitive?

Batch file scripts are not case-sensitive, although strings and data are. The file is controlled by a list of commands separated into lines which are run like normal commands would be at the Command Prompt, although some functionality is different.

How do you fail a batch script?

Syntax. It is common to use the command EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% at the end of the batch file to return the error codes from the batch file. EXIT /B at the end of the batch file will stop execution of a batch file.

2 Answers

Windows batch scripting certainly does not have any formal exception handling - hardly surprising considering how primitive the language is. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think effective exception handling could be hacked up.

But then some amazing discoveries were made on a Russian site concerning the behavior of an erroneous GOTO statement (I have no idea what is said, I can't read Russian). An English summary was posted at DosTips, and the behavior was further investigated.

It turns out that (GOTO) 2>NUL behaves almost identically to EXIT /B, except concatenated commands within an already parsed block of code are still executed after the effective return, within the context of the CALLer!

Here is a short example that demonstrates most of the salient points.

@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set "var=Parent Value" (   call :test   echo This and the following line are not executed   exit /b ) :break echo How did I get here^^!^^!^^!^^! exit /b  :test setlocal disableDelayedExpansion set "var=Child Value" (goto) 2>nul & echo var=!var! & goto :break echo This line is not executed  :break echo This line is not executed 

-- OUTPUT --

var=Parent Value How did I get here!!!! 

This feature is totally unexpected, and incredibly powerful and useful. It has been used to:

  • Create PrintHere.bat - an emulation of the 'nix here document feature
  • Create a RETURN.BAT utility that any batch "function" can conveniently CALL to return any value across the ENDLOCAL barrier, with virtually no limitations. The code is a fleshed out version of jeb's original idea.

Now I can also add exception handling to the list :-)

The technique relies on a batch utility called EXCEPTION.BAT to define environment variable "macros" that are used to specify TRY/CATCH blocks, as well as to throw exceptions.

Before a TRY/CATCH block can be implemented, the macros must be defined using:

call exception init 

Then TRY/CATCH blocks are defined with the following syntax:

:calledRoutine setlocal %@Try%   REM normal code goes here %@EndTry% :@Catch   REM Exception handling code goes here :@EndCatch 

Exceptions can be thrown at any time via:

call exception throw  errorNumber  "messageString"  "locationString" 

When an exception is thrown, it pops the CALL stack iteratively using (GOTO) 2>NUL until it finds an active TRY/CATCH, whereupon it branches to the CATCH block and executes that code. A series of exception attribute variables are available to the CATCH block:

  • exception.Code - The numeric exception code
  • exception.Msg - The exception message string
  • exception.Loc - The string describing the location where the exception was thrown
  • exception.Stack - A string that traces the call stack from the CATCH block (or command line if not caught), all the way to the exception origin.

If the exception is fully handled, then the exception should be cleared via call exception clear, and the script carries on normally. If the exception is not fully handled, then a new exception can be thrown with a brand new exception.Stack, or the old stack can be preserved with

call exception rethrow  errorNumber  "messageString"  "locationString" 

If an exception is not handled, then an "unhandled exception" message is printed, including the four exception attributes, all batch processing is terminated, and control is returned to the command line context.

Here is the code that makes all this possible - full documentation is embedded within the script and available from the command line via exception help or exception /?.


::EXCEPTION.BAT Version 1.4 :: :: Provides exception handling for Windows batch scripts. :: :: Designed and written by Dave Benham, with important contributions from :: DosTips users jeb and siberia-man :: :: Full documentation is at the bottom of this script :: :: History: ::   v1.4 2016-08-16  Improved detection of command line delayed expansion ::                    using an original idea by jeb ::   v1.3 2015-12-12  Added paged help option via MORE ::   v1.2 2015-07-16  Use COMSPEC instead of OS to detect delayed expansion ::   v1.1 2015-07-03  Preserve ! in exception attributes when delayed expansion enabled ::   v1.0 2015-06-26  Initial versioned release with embedded documentation :: @echo off if "%~1" equ "/??" goto pagedHelp if "%~1" equ "/?" goto help if "%~1" equ "" goto help shift /1 & goto %1   :throw  errCode  errMsg  errLoc set "exception.Stack=" :: Fall through to :rethrow   :rethrow  errCode  errMsg  errLoc setlocal disableDelayedExpansion if not defined exception.Restart set "exception.Stack=[%~1:%~2] %exception.Stack%" for /f "delims=" %%1 in ("%~1") do for /f "delims=" %%2 in ("%~2") do for /f "delims=" %%3 in ("%~3") do (   setlocal enableDelayedExpansion   for /l %%# in (1 1 10) do for /f "delims=" %%S in (" !exception.Stack!") do (     (goto) 2>NUL     setlocal enableDelayedExpansion     if "!!" equ "" (       endlocal       setlocal disableDelayedExpansion       call set "funcName=%%~0"       call set "batName=%%~f0"       if defined exception.Restart (set "exception.Restart=") else call set "exception.Stack=%%funcName%%%%S"       setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion       if !exception.Try! == !batName!:!funcName! (         endlocal         endlocal         set "exception.Code=%%1"         if "!!" equ "" (           call "%~f0" setDelayed         ) else (           set "exception.Msg=%%2"           set "exception.Loc=%%3"           set "exception.Stack=%%S"         )         set "exception.Try="         (CALL )         goto :@Catch       )     ) else (       for %%V in (Code Msg Loc Stack Try Restart) do set "exception.%%V="       if "^!^" equ "^!" (         call "%~f0" showDelayed       ) else (         echo(         echo Unhandled batch exception:         echo   Code = %%1         echo   Msg  = %%2         echo   Loc  = %%3         echo   Stack=%%S       )       echo on       call "%~f0" Kill     )>&2   )   set exception.Restart=1   setlocal disableDelayedExpansion   call "%~f0" rethrow %1 %2 %3 ) :: Never reaches here   :init set "@Try=call set exception.Try=%%~f0:%%~0" set "@EndTry=set "exception.Try=" & goto :@endCatch" :: Fall through to :clear   :clear for %%V in (Code Msg Loc Stack Restart Try) do set "exception.%%V=" exit /b   :Kill - Cease all processing, ignoring any remaining cached commands setlocal disableDelayedExpansion if not exist "%temp%\Kill.Yes" call :buildYes call :CtrlC <"%temp%\Kill.Yes" 1>nul 2>&1 :CtrlC @cmd /c exit -1073741510  :buildYes - Establish a Yes file for the language used by the OS pushd "%temp%" set "yes=" copy nul Kill.Yes >nul for /f "delims=(/ tokens=2" %%Y in (   '"copy /-y nul Kill.Yes <nul"' ) do if not defined yes set "yes=%%Y" echo %yes%>Kill.Yes popd exit /b   :setDelayed setLocal disableDelayedExpansion for %%. in (.) do (   set "v2=%%2"   set "v3=%%3"   set "vS=%%S" ) (   endlocal   set "exception.Msg=%v2:!=^!%"   set "exception.Loc=%v3:!=^!%"   set "exception.Stack=%vS:!=^!%" ) exit /b   :showDelayed - setLocal disableDelayedExpansion for %%. in (.) do (   set "v2=%%2"   set "v3=%%3"   set "vS=%%S" ) for /f "delims=" %%2 in ("%v2:!=^!%") do for /f "delims=" %%3 in ("%v3:!=^!%") do for /f "delims=" %%S in ("%vS:!=^!%") do (   endlocal   echo(   echo Unhandled batch exception:   echo   Code = %%1   echo   Msg  = %%2   echo   Loc  = %%3   echo   Stack=%%S ) exit /b   :-? :help setlocal disableDelayedExpansion for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /rbn ":::DOCUMENTATION:::" "%~f0"') do set "skip=%%N" for /f "skip=%skip% tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%~f0"') do echo(%%B exit /b   :-?? :pagedHelp setlocal disableDelayedExpansion for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /rbn ":::DOCUMENTATION:::" "%~f0"') do set "skip=%%N" ((for /f "skip=%skip% tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "%~f0"') do @echo(%%B)|more /e) 2>nul exit /b   :-v :/v :version echo( for /f "delims=:" %%A in ('findstr "^::EXCEPTION.BAT" "%~f0"') do echo %%A exit /b   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::DOCUMENTATION:::  EXCEPTION.BAT is a pure batch script utility that provides robust exception handling within batch scripts. It enables code to be placed in TRY/CATCH blocks. If no exception is thrown, then only code within the TRY block is executed. If an exception is thrown, the batch CALL stack is popped repeatedly until it reaches an active TRY block, at which point control is passed to the associated CATCH block and normal processing resumes from that point. Code within a CATCH block is ignored unless an exception is thrown.  An exception may be caught in a different script from where it was thrown.  If no active TRY is found after throwing an exception, then an unhandled exception message is printed to stderr, all processing is terminated within the current CMD shell, and control is returned to the shell command line.  TRY blocks are specified using macros. Obviously the macros must be defined before they can be used. The TRY macros are defined using the following CALL      call exception init  Besides defining @Try and @EndTry, the init routine also explicitly clears any residual exception that may have been left by prior processing.  A TRY/CATCH block is structured as follows:      %@Try%       REM any normal code goes here     %@EndTry%     :@Catch       REM exception handling code goes here     :@EndCatch  - Every TRY must have an associated CATCH.  - TRY/CATCH blocks cannot be nested.  - Any script or :labeled routine that uses TRY/CATCH must have at least one   SETLOCAL prior to the appearance of the first TRY.  - TRY/CATCH blocks use labels, so they should not be placed within parentheses.   It can be done, but the parentheses block is broken when control is passed to   the :@Catch or :@EndCatch label, and the code becomes difficult to interpret   and maintain.  - Any valid code can be used within a TRY or CATCH block, including CALL, GOTO,   :labels, and balanced parentheses. However, GOTO cannot be used to leave a   TRY block. GOTO can only be used within a TRY block if the label appears   within the same TRY block.  - GOTO must never transfer control from outside TRY/CATCH to within a TRY or   CATCH block.  - CALL should not be used to call a label within a TRY or CATCH block.  - CALLed routines containing TRY/CATCH must have labels that are unique within   the script. This is generally good batch programming practice anyway.   It is OK for different scripts to share :label names.  - If a script or routine recursively CALLs itself and contains TRY/CATCH, then   it must not throw an exception until after execution of the first %@Try%  Exceptions are thrown by using      call exception throw  Code  Message  Location  where      Code = The numeric code value for the exception.      Message = A description of the exception.      Location = A string that helps identify where the exception occurred.                Any value may be used. A good generic value is "%~f0[%~0]",                which expands to the full path of the currently executing                script, followed by the currently executing routine name                within square brackets.  The Message and Location values must be quoted if they contain spaces or poison characters like & | < >. The values must not contain additional internal quotes, and they must not contain a caret ^.  The following variables will be defined for use by the CATCH block:    exception.Code  = the Code value   exception.Msg   = the Message value   exception.Loc   = the Location value   exception.Stack = traces the call stack from the CATCH block (or command line                     if not caught), all the way to the exception.  If the exception is not caught, then all four values are printed as part of the "unhandled exception" message, and the exception variables are not defined.  A CATCH block should always do ONE of the following at the end:  - If the exception has been handled and processing can continue, then clear the   exception definition by using      call exception clear    Clear should never be used within a Try block.  - If the exception has not been fully handled, then a new exception should be   thrown which can be caught by a higher level CATCH. You can throw a new   exception using the normal THROW, which will clear exception.Stack and any   higher CATCH will have no awareness of the original exception.    Alternatively, you may rethrow an exception and preserve the exeption stack   all the way to the original exception:      call exception rethrow  Code  Message  Location    It is your choice as to whether you want to pass the original Code and/or   Message and/or Location. Either way, the stack will preserve all exceptions   if rethrow is used.    Rethrow should only be used within a CATCH block.   One last restriction - the full path to EXCEPTION.BAT must not include ! or ^.   This documentation can be accessed via the following commands      constant stream:   exception /?   OR  exception help     paged via MORE:    exception /??  OR  exception pagedHelp  The version of this utility can be accessed via      exception /v  OR  exception version   EXCEPTION.BAT was designed and written by Dave Benham, with important contributions from DosTips users jeb and siberia-man.  Development history can be traced at:   http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6497 

Below is script to test the capabilities of EXCEPTION.BAT. The script recursively calls itself 7 times. Each iteration has two CALLs, one to a :label that demonstrates normal exception propagation, and the other to a script that demonstrates exception propagation across script CALLs.

While returning from a recursive call, it throws an exception if the iteration count is a multiple of 3 (iterations 3 and 6).

Each CALL has its own exception handler that normally reports the exception and then rethrows a modified exception. But if the iteration count is 5, then the exception is handled and normal processing resumes.

@echo off  :: Main setlocal enableDelayedExpansion if not defined @Try call exception init  set /a cnt+=1 echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Calling :Sub %@Try% (   call :Sub   call echo Main Iteration %cnt% - :Sub returned %%errorlevel%% ) %@EndTry% :@Catch   setlocal enableDelayedExpansion   echo(   echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Exception detected:   echo   Code     = !exception.code!   echo   Message  = !exception.msg!   echo   Location = !exception.loc!   echo Rethrowing modified exception   echo(   endlocal   call exception rethrow -%cnt% "Main Exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>" :@EndCatch echo Main Iteration %cnt% - Exit exit /b %cnt%   :Sub setlocal echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Start %@Try%   if %cnt% lss 7 (     echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Calling "%~f0"     call "%~f0"     %= Show any non-exception return code (demonstrate ERRORLEVEL is preserved if no exception) =%     call echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - testException returned %%errorlevel%%   )   %= Throw an exception if the iteration count is a multiple of 3 =%   set /a "1/(cnt%%3)" 2>nul || (     echo Throwing exception     call exception throw -%cnt% "Divide by 0 exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>"   ) %@EndTry% :@Catch   setlocal enableDelayedExpansion   echo(   echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Exception detected:   echo   Code     = !exception.code!   echo   Message  = !exception.msg!   echo   Location = !exception.loc!   endlocal   %= Handle the exception if iteration count is a multiple of 5, else rethrow it with new properties =%   set /a "1/(cnt%%5)" 2>nul && (     echo Rethrowing modified exception     echo(     call exception rethrow -%cnt% ":Sub Exception^!" "%~f0<%~0>"   ) || (     call exception clear     echo Exception handled     echo(   ) :@EndCatch echo :Sub Iteration %cnt% - Exit exit /b %cnt% 

-- OUTPUT --

Main Iteration 1 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 1 - Start :Sub Iteration 1 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 2 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 2 - Start :Sub Iteration 2 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 3 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 3 - Start :Sub Iteration 3 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 4 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 4 - Start :Sub Iteration 4 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 5 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 5 - Start :Sub Iteration 5 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 6 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 6 - Start :Sub Iteration 6 - Calling "C:\test\testException.bat" Main Iteration 7 - Calling :Sub :Sub Iteration 7 - Start :Sub Iteration 7 - Exit Main Iteration 7 - :Sub returned 7 Main Iteration 7 - Exit :Sub Iteration 6 - testException returned 7 Throwing exception  :Sub Iteration 6 - Exception detected:   Code     = -6   Message  = Divide by 0 exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   Main Iteration 6 - Exception detected:   Code     = -6   Message  = :Sub Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   :Sub Iteration 5 - Exception detected:   Code     = -6   Message  = Main Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat> Exception handled  :Sub Iteration 5 - Exit Main Iteration 5 - :Sub returned 5 Main Iteration 5 - Exit :Sub Iteration 4 - testException returned 5 :Sub Iteration 4 - Exit Main Iteration 4 - :Sub returned 4 Main Iteration 4 - Exit :Sub Iteration 3 - testException returned 4 Throwing exception  :Sub Iteration 3 - Exception detected:   Code     = -3   Message  = Divide by 0 exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   Main Iteration 3 - Exception detected:   Code     = -3   Message  = :Sub Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   :Sub Iteration 2 - Exception detected:   Code     = -3   Message  = Main Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat> Rethrowing modified exception   Main Iteration 2 - Exception detected:   Code     = -2   Message  = :Sub Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   :Sub Iteration 1 - Exception detected:   Code     = -2   Message  = Main Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<C:\test\testException.bat> Rethrowing modified exception   Main Iteration 1 - Exception detected:   Code     = -1   Message  = :Sub Exception!   Location = C:\test\testException.bat<:Sub> Rethrowing modified exception   Unhandled batch exception:   Code = -1   Msg  = Main Exception!   Loc  = C:\test\testException.bat<testException>   Stack= testException [-1:Main Exception!]  :Sub [-1::Sub Exception!]  C:\test\testException.bat [-2:Main Exception!]  :Sub [-2::Sub Exception!]  C:\test\testException.bat [-3:Main Exception!]  :Sub [-3::Sub Exception!]  [-3:Divide by 0 exception!] 

Finally, here are a series of trivial scripts that show how exceptions can be used effectively even when intermediate scripts know nothing about them!

Start off with a simple division script utility that divides two numbers and prints the result:


:: divide.bat  numerator  divisor @echo off setlocal set /a result=%1 / %2 2>nul || call exception throw -100 "Division exception" "divide.bat" echo %1 / %2 = %result% exit /b 

Note how the script throws an exception if it detects an error, but it does nothing to catch the exception.

Now I'll write a divide test harness that is totally naive about batch exceptions.


@echo off for /l %%N in (4 -1 0) do call divide 12 %%N echo Finished successfully! 


C:\test>testDivide 12 / 4 = 3 12 / 3 = 4 12 / 2 = 6 12 / 1 = 12  Unhandled batch exception:   Code = -100   Msg  = Division exception   Loc  = divide.bat   Stack= testDivide divide [-100:Division exception] 

Note how the final ECHO never executes because the exception raised by divide.bat was not handled.

Finally I'll write a master script that calls the naive testDivide and properly handles the exception:


@echo off setlocal call exception init  %@Try%   call testDivide %@EndTry% :@Catch   echo %exception.Msg% detected and handled   call exception clear :@EndCatch echo Finished Successfully! 

-- OUTPUT --

C:\test>master 12 / 4 = 3 12 / 3 = 4 12 / 2 = 6 12 / 1 = 12 Division exception detected and handled Finished Successfully! 

The master script was able to successfully catch an exception raised by divide.bat, even though it had to pass through testDivide.bat, which knows nothing about exceptions. Very cool :-)

Now this is certainly not a panacea for all things related to error handling:

  • There are a number of syntactical and code layout limitations that are fully described in the built in documentation. But nothing too egregious.

  • There is no way to automatically treat all errors as an exceptions. All exceptions must be explicitly thrown by code. This is probably a good thing, given that error reporting is handled by convention - there are no strict rules. Some programs do not follow the convention. For example, HELP ValidCommand returns ERRORLEVEL 1, which by convention implies an error, while HELP InvalidCommand returns ERRORLEVEL 0, which implies success.

  • This batch exception technique cannot catch and handle fatal run-time errors. For example GOTO :NonExistentLabel will still immediately terminate all batch processing, without any opportunity to catch the error.

You can follow the development of EXCEPTION.BAT at http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6497. Any future developments will be posted there. I likely will not update this StackOverflow post.

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dbenham Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10


Well, if the term "exception handling" is taken in the same sense of other programming languages, I think the answer is: "NO".

In all standard programming languages the term "exception handling" refers to "the occurrence, during computation, of exceptions – anomalous or exceptional conditions requiring special processing", like run-time errors that may be managed in a way different than the standard error handling performed by the system.

For example, in C++: "Exceptions are run-time anomalies, such as division by zero, that require immediate handling when encountered by your program".

The .NET Framework specify: "Exceptions represents errors that occur during application execution".

In Visual Basic 6: "Visual Basic supports exception (error) handling, which allows the program to detect and possibly recover from errors during execution."

The JScript description indicate: "The try...catch...finally statement provides a way to handle some or all of the possible errors that may occur in a given block of code, while still running code".

In all these languages "exception handling" means manage a run-time error that otherwise would cause the interruption of the program with an error message. The way to do that is via the "try...catch" statement this way:

try {    *any* code     that may cause a *run-time ERROR* } catch (exception) {    code that allows to *identify the error*    testing specific values of "exception" } 

Now the differences vs. the proposed Batch file code emulation.

In a Batch file there is no way to "manage" a run-time error: all run-time errors cause the Batch file stop execution with an error message. In Batch files, in a different way than other languages, there are several situations that are not reported as "errors", but just as the manageable result of a command. For example, if find command can not find the search string, it returns an errorlevel greater than zero, and in an entirely equivalent way, if set /A command produce a "run-time error" (like division by zero), it returns an errorlevel greater than zero and the execution continue normally. This way, any program may manage any possible error situation that is reported this way via standard Batch code, with no need of "exception handling".

In the standard "try...catch" feature, any code that may produce any run-time error can be placed in the "try" part with no further testing; the exception is automatically thrown by the system. The particular error that caused the exception can be identified via individual tests in the "catch" part. The proposed Batch emulation is entirely different. In this case, each particular "error" situation must be individually inspected in the "try" part in order to explicitly throw the corresponding "exception"; the "catch" part must also process each one of the given exceptions.

This mechanism looks more like another standard programming languages feature: the "event management" mechanism of languages like C++ that is also supported via Windows Exception Handling Functions. In this scheme an exception/event is explicitly raised via RaiseException function, that cause that the execution thread jump to the function previously registered via AddExceptionHandler.

Please, don't misunderstand me. I think this method is a valuable tool that may facilitate the management of "errors" in Batch code in a simple and powerful way. However, I disagree with the proposed scheme of using this feature via the "try...catch" construct of standard programming languages, that gives the false impression that is possible to emulate the standard exception handling mechanism in Windows Batch files in order to catch run-time errors. In my humble opinion, the method would become close to the standards if it would be based on the "RegisterExceptionHandler" and "RaiseException" scheme instead...

like image 24
Aacini Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10
