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Does the pattern [_|_] in Erlang mean anything specific?



I am learning Erlang from Learn You Some Erlang and I've seen the pattern [_|_] twice already but couldn't find any info on it. This usage seems superfluous because omitting it from (1) and subsituting it with _ in (2) yields the same result without degrading readability. It is my first week with Erlang so I may be completely wrong.

(1) from bestest_qsort:

bestest_qsort(L=[_|_]) ->
    bestest_qsort(L, []).

(2) from here:

  error:{badmatch,[_|_]} -> ok
like image 787
toraritte Avatar asked Jun 21 '15 05:06


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1 Answers

The pattern [p1 | p2] matches a non-empty list, whose head matches the pattern p1 and whose tail matches the pattern p2. So since the pattern _ matches anything, [_ | _] matches any non-empty list.

_ by itself on the other hand matches anything, including the empty list.

like image 154
sepp2k Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10
