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Does std::pair destroy its dynamically allocated objects?




For example containers like std::vector<T*> destroy all of its elements that were addad to it by push_back(new T). Does std::pair<T1*, T2*> does the same when you initialize it like { new T1, new T }?

I have this question because std::pair is a structure unlike containers that are classes (it does not mean anything but still). I can not find any information about it.

Edited: despite the fact I thought containers delete their dynamically allocated elements, this is wrong.

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ghostinecatnewyear Avatar asked Nov 29 '19 15:11


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2 Answers


std::vector does not destroy objects whose pointers were added to it by push_back(new T).

Neither does std::pair.

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user253751 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09


Both vector and pair destroy their elements.

Neither vector nor pair destroy or deallocate objects pointed by their elements.

Some examples:

    std::vector<int> v {42};

Vector allocated dynamically, and deallocated.

    std::vector<int*> v {new int};

Vector allocated dynamically, and deallocated. I allocated dynamically, and leaked the allocation.

    std::pair<int, int> v {42, 24};

No dynamic allocation whatsoever. Great.

    std::pair<int*, int*> v {new int, new int};

I allocated dynamically twice, and leaked both.

    std::pair<int*, int*> v {new int, new int};
    delete v.first;
    delete v.second;

No leak.... but don't do this. Avoid unnecessary dynamic allocation, and don't use owning bare pointers.

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eerorika Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09
