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Does Seaside scale?


Seaside is known as "the heretical web framework". One of the points that make it heretical is that it has much shared state. That however is something which, in my current understanding, hinders easy scaling.

Ruby on rails on the other hand shares as less state as possible. It has been known to scale pretty well, even if it is dog slow compared to modern smalltalk vms. flickr uses php and has scaled to an extremly big infrastructure...

So has anybody some experience in the scaling of Seaside?

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Richard Durr Avatar asked Sep 20 '09 20:09

Richard Durr

1 Answers

Ramon Leon shares some of his experience on upscaling seaside on his (excellent) blog. You can read very concrete ideas with sample code about configuring and tuning seaside.

Enjoy :-)

http://onsmalltalk.com/scaling-seaside-more-advanced-load-balancing-and-publishing http://onsmalltalk.com/scaling-seaside-redux-enter-the-penguin http://onsmalltalk.com/stateless-sitemap-in-seaside

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Bernard Notarianni Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09

Bernard Notarianni