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Does React.js has similar modifier like Vue.js "v-model.lazy"




In Vue.js :

By default, v-model syncs the input with the data after each input event (with the exception of IME composition as stated above). You can add the lazy modifier to instead sync after change events:

<!-- synced after "change" instead of "input" -->
<input v-model.lazy="msg" >

Does react has the similar modifier or function?In which part of the official doc?

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William Avatar asked Oct 12 '17 18:10


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Are Vue JS and react JS similar?

React requires solid JavaScript skills, while Vue. js is more oriented to novice developers. Similar to React, Vue. js enables writing with JSX, but the components are written with HTML templates.

What is v-model in React?

Although a bit magical, v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events. In React, you can listen to any input event ( onChange , onClick , etc. ) and trigger a function that updates the React Component's state . If you want to pass the data down, you can pass it as props to any children.

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Short answer is definitely not. Long answer is this: React throws everything in javascript. The view, the logic, the lifecycle hooks, all of it.

Why people use React instead of Vue?

One of the main reasons for the popularity of React is that it works very efficiently with the DOM. Vue also uses the virtual DOM, but compared to React, Vue has better performance and stability. According to this data, Vue and React's performance difference is subtle since it is only a few milliseconds.

1 Answers

The following is from Vue docs for v-model:

Although a bit magical, v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events

In React, you can listen to any input event ( onChange, onClick, etc. ) and trigger a function that updates the React Component's state. If you want to pass the data down, you can pass it as props to any children. In this way we can keep data updated with input events. For more info, see React State and React Component and Props

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Dane Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
