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Reading a topic of kafka with react

I'll start by saying I'm sorry if this question looks generic, but I'm having trouble to solve this. So I'll give it a shot here.

I want to build a consumer of a kafka topic with react, so it'll render I don't know something like a grid everytime there's a new message in my topic.

I already have the code of the consumer:

var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Consumer = kafka.Consumer,
client = new kafka.Client(),
consumer = new Consumer(
        { topic: 'logs', partition: 0 }
        autoCommit: false
Producer = kafka.Producer,
client = new kafka.Client(),
producer = new Producer(client);

consumer.on('message', function (message) {

anytime there's a new message the consumer's event "on" will be called.

But I can't see a way to hook it up with react.

I'm up for anything, a tutorial, article, anything at all.


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Felipe Diogo Avatar asked Sep 14 '15 17:09

Felipe Diogo

People also ask

How do I read Kafka messages from topic?

You can use the Kafka-console-consumer to view your messages. It provides a command line utility, bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh, that sends messages from a topic to an output file. To display a maximum number of messages by using: --from-beginning and --max-messages ${NUM_MESSAGES}.

Does Kafka support Websockets?

kafka-websocket is a simple websocket server interface to the kafka distributed message broker. It supports clients subscribing to topics, including multiple topics at once, and sending messages to topics. Messages may be either text or binary, the format for each is described below.

2 Answers

You should use websocket Kafka proxy like https://github.com/Effyis/kafka2websocket or https://github.com/Microsoft/kafka-proxy-ws, because, AFAIK, there are no browser compatible clients available yet. After that, you will be able to interact with Kafka through websockets

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Ruslan Terekhov Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09

Ruslan Terekhov

Here's an example of what you could do. In essence, have the component that will render the message information observe the kafka consumer and set that message in the component's state. The component will then render with the new message in state (any time setState is called, causes the component to update itself).

This assumes you want to display a list of messages and the consumer.on callback provides a single message that needs to be added to the list.

var MessageDetails = React.createClass({
    //create a render function for this to render the details about a message

var MessageDisplay = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return { messages: [] };

    onComponentDidMount: function() {
        consumer.on('message', function (message) {
            // This updates the state so component will re-render
            var messageList = this.state.messages;
            this.setState({messages: messageList});

    onComponentWillUnmount: function() {
        // Unsubscribe from the consume here.

    render: function() {
        var messageList = this.state.messages.map(function(message) {
            return (<MessageDetails id={message.id} etc. />);
        return (
          <div className="commentBox">
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Ed Ballot Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Ed Ballot