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Does not using Interface Builder buy me anything?

I'm fairly new to Cocoa. I was talking to my brother, who's put together a few iPhone apps, and I said something about Interface Builder. He said that he doesn't use it - he builds his UIs programmatically. He said that this way, he doesn't have to worry about loading the NIB. I understand that using Interface Builder actually creates instances of view/window/button/etc objects that are serialized and have to be deserialized when you load the application, but is the deserialization that expensive? Granted, he's talking about iPhone and I'm developing on a MacBook Pro, but still.

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Jeff Barger Avatar asked Aug 26 '09 13:08

Jeff Barger

2 Answers

I have yet to see an argument against using IB due to performance reasons, and having used both methods I havent seen any difference either way. For the more ui intense applications I usually end up not using IB only because it is difficult to build complex customized views with it. So really I tend to use IB for the more simple apps and go with the progammatic approach for the more complex apps. This approach obviously is performance optimizing as well.

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ennuikiller Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10


Absolutely learn IB! It's worth it and will save you countless time over the long haul. Then use it when you can. When you cannot (high complexity) you always have the programatic approach but you'll find it FAR easier to maintain your nibs (IB) as your app grows and ages.

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Meltemi Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
