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List all available audio devices

I want to list all available audio devices in swift to provide a selection for input and output. My application should listen on a audio channel and "write" to another. I do not want the system default!

let devices = AVCaptureDevice.devices(for: .audio)


for device in devices {

The Code lists 0 devices. But I expect at least the internal output.

Some links to CoreAudio, AudioToolbox and AVFoundation that explain the audio source selection would be nice.

like image 586
Peter Shaw Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 16:08

Peter Shaw

People also ask

What are examples of audio devices?

Audio equipment refers to devices that reproduce, record, or process sound. This includes microphones, radio receivers, AV receivers, CD players, tape recorders, amplifiers, mixing consoles, effects units, headphones, and speakers.

How can I see hidden sound devices?

Open Control panel. Click Hardware and Sound and then Click on Sounds. Under Playback tab, right click on the empty area and make sure “Show Disabled Devices” has a check mark on it. If headphones/Speakers are disabled, it will now show up in the list.

1 Answers

Here's some Swift 5 code that will enumerate all the audio devices.

You can use the uid with AVAudioPlayer's currentDevice property to output to a specific device.

import Cocoa
import AVFoundation

class AudioDevice {
    var audioDeviceID:AudioDeviceID

    init(deviceID:AudioDeviceID) {
        self.audioDeviceID = deviceID

    var hasOutput: Bool {
        get {
            var address:AudioObjectPropertyAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress(

            var propsize:UInt32 = UInt32(MemoryLayout<CFString?>.size);
            var result:OSStatus = AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(self.audioDeviceID, &address, 0, nil, &propsize);
            if (result != 0) {
                return false;

            let bufferList = UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>.allocate(capacity:Int(propsize))
            result = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(self.audioDeviceID, &address, 0, nil, &propsize, bufferList);
            if (result != 0) {
                return false

            let buffers = UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer(bufferList)
            for bufferNum in 0..<buffers.count {
                if buffers[bufferNum].mNumberChannels > 0 {
                    return true

            return false

    var uid:String? {
        get {
            var address:AudioObjectPropertyAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress(

            var name:CFString? = nil
            var propsize:UInt32 = UInt32(MemoryLayout<CFString?>.size)
            let result:OSStatus = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(self.audioDeviceID, &address, 0, nil, &propsize, &name)
            if (result != 0) {
                return nil

            return name as String?

    var name:String? {
        get {
            var address:AudioObjectPropertyAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress(

            var name:CFString? = nil
            var propsize:UInt32 = UInt32(MemoryLayout<CFString?>.size)
            let result:OSStatus = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(self.audioDeviceID, &address, 0, nil, &propsize, &name)
            if (result != 0) {
                return nil

            return name as String?

class AudioDeviceFinder {
    static func findDevices() {
        var propsize:UInt32 = 0

        var address:AudioObjectPropertyAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress(

        var result:OSStatus = AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(AudioObjectID(kAudioObjectSystemObject), &address, UInt32(MemoryLayout<AudioObjectPropertyAddress>.size), nil, &propsize)

        if (result != 0) {
            print("Error \(result) from AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize")

        let numDevices = Int(propsize / UInt32(MemoryLayout<AudioDeviceID>.size))

        var devids = [AudioDeviceID]()
        for _ in 0..<numDevices {

        result = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(AudioObjectID(kAudioObjectSystemObject), &address, 0, nil, &propsize, &devids);
        if (result != 0) {
            print("Error \(result) from AudioObjectGetPropertyData")

        for i in 0..<numDevices {
            let audioDevice = AudioDevice(deviceID:devids[i])
            if (audioDevice.hasOutput) {
                if let name = audioDevice.name,
                    let uid = audioDevice.uid {
                    print("Found device \"\(name)\", uid=\(uid)")
like image 75
stevex Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
