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Jeff Barger

Jeff Barger has asked 6 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I have spent the past several years providing software solutions to a wide variety of problems. I have worked on embedded software for a guided bomb, and collected, stored, and exploited sensor data for both manned and unmanned aircraft. I have also spent the past two years working in retail, where I built a new, light-weight CMS to replace an aging installation of a commercial product and then moved on to mobile app development. As part of the mobile team, I built and launched an Android app that notified customers when their order was ready to pickup, and then used their location to send periodic ETA updates to a companion employee app.I have worked on backend code, using Scala/Play and NodeJS/HapiJS, desktop applications in C# with XAML, and Android apps using Java as well as some Kotlin. I have even recently released my own website aimed at helping people share books, using ReactJS for the web client and HapiJS on the backend. I am extremely versatile and love learning new technologies.