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Does iOS storyboard have a feature equivalent to tools:text in android?

I've just moved from android to iOS with swift.

android provides tools namespace that supports this kind of requirement. I just use tools:text="fake string" so that the string only appears on the IDE screen.

When it comes to iOS storyboard, while I'm drawing layout with storyboard, one question is remaining in my mind. Can I have a fake string that only appears on the storyboard but not on iOS screen?

Please let me know if I can use the same feature in iOS programming.

like image 482
Hello world Avatar asked Sep 02 '15 12:09

Hello world

1 Answers

No, there is no fake text available. The text which you are setting in storyboard for a label will display while you are running the application. You can create reset/change this text in viewDidLoad of the corresponding view controller by creating an outlet of the label. Like

self.label.text = "New text"
like image 145
Anil Varghese Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Anil Varghese