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How to terminate duplicate user sessions with parse?

I want my PFSessions to be exclusive, meaning, If a user is already logged in on a certain device in a certain location, if another device logs in with the same credentials, I want the previous session to be terminated, with a message of an alert view of course. Sort of like the old AOL Instant Messaging format. so does anyone know how I would go about doing so in swift? would it require CoreLocation?

I found this article on current user location, how can I use this as part of a solution to my question ?



so I've just read this parse article on their revocable sessions settings


however, when I log into the same account with a different device, the sessions are allowed to live correspondingly, which i do not want. How do I solve my dilemma?


I've gotten this very detailed description on how to achieve the overall method I'm trying to implement :

enter image description here

however I am not very well versed in cloud code implementation, can someone very briefly portray a piece of code that is similar to what he's trying to relay onto me?


So I did some more research and tied in what I was told in regards on how to use the cloud code calls in parse, and being I want to destroy previous sessions of the currentUser, I've written the following code in my login "success" logic:

            PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground(userName, password: passWord) {
        (user, error: NSError?) -> Void in
        if user != nil || error == nil {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
                self.performSegueWithIdentifier("loginSuccess", sender: self)

                 PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("currentUser", withParameters: ["PFUser":"currentUser"])
                    //..... Get other currentUser session tokens and destroy them


        } else {

If thats even the correct format or code, but I’m sure this is the right direction right? Can anybody edit or expand on the code I'm trying to achieve?

like image 303
John Durand Avatar asked Aug 26 '15 03:08

John Durand

1 Answers

You should start by looking into the cloud code quick start
You would then define following cloud code function:

Parse.Cloud.define('destroyUserSessions', function(req, res) {
    //the user that sends the request
    var currentUser = req.user;
    //send from client 
    var currentUserInstallationId = req.param.installationId;
    var Session = Parse.Object.extend('Session');
    var userSessionQuery = new Parse.Query(Session);
    //all sessions of this user
    userSessionQuery.equalTo('user', currentUser);
    //except the session for this installation -> to not log the request performing user out
    userSessionQuery.notEqualTo('installationId', currentUserInstallationId);

        success: function(userSessionsToBeRevoked) {
            Parse.Object.destroyAll(userSessionsToBeRevoked, {
                success: function() {
                    //you have deleted all sessions except the one for the current installation
                    var installationIds = userSessionsToBeRevoked.map(function(session) {
                        return session.installationId;
                    //you can use the installation Ids to send push notifications to installations that are now logged out
                error: function(err) {
                    //TODO: Handle error
        error: function(err) {
            //TODO: Handle error

NOTE: This code was not tested and makes several assumptions e.g that you have revokable sessions enabled and there's a user logged in when performing the request

You would call the function like this:

let installationId = PFInstallation.currentInstallation().installationId

PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("destroyUserSessions", withParameters: ["installationId": installationId]) { success, error in 
    //TODO: Handle success or errors

Hope this may get you started.

like image 85
herby Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 13:11
