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Does HTTPS protect against CSRF attacks?

I'm writing a mostly ajax-driven web application and I'm looking at how to protect the user from CSRF attacks. I'm planning to run the pages of the application where the user is logged in to do his work in HTTPS mode.

Does running the page on HTTPS work to protect against CSRF attacks?

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frenchie Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 20:12


People also ask

Does using SSL prevent CSRF attacks?

Moreover, using SSL does not prevent a CSRF attack, because the malicious site can send an "https://" request. Typically, CSRF attacks are possible against web sites that use cookies for authentication, because browsers send all relevant cookies to the destination web site.

What are CSRF attacks and how do they work?

Typically, CSRF attacks are possible against web sites that use cookies for authentication, because browsers send all relevant cookies to the destination web site. However, CSRF attacks are not limited to exploiting cookies. For example, Basic and Digest authentication are also vulnerable.

Should I trust that the site has measures in place to prevent CSRF?

Don’t trust that the site you're visiting has measures in place to prevent CSRF attacks. Many sites do have controls in place to protect against it, but it is not a good practice to assume this.

Does running a page on https protect it from CSRF?

No, running a page on HTTPS does not protect it from CSRF. The fact that the communications between the browser and server is encrypted has no bearing on CSRF.

2 Answers

No, running a page on HTTPS does not protect it from CSRF. The fact that the communications between the browser and server is encrypted has no bearing on CSRF.

I suggest reading the OWASP guidance on preventing CSRF.

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Oded Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10


A general, golden rule woule be:

Never trust that the incoming client request is a legitimate one. Be always suspicious and assume that the request could be maliciously forged.

Few specific rules beyond the mentioned OWASP article:

  1. if your data needs authentication/authorization, avoid generic interfaces on the server, like the CRUD interface. easy to code, difficult to authorize specific requests coming from clients. instead, offer a SOA-style interface with explicit methods dedicated to specific use cases where you will have direct control over requests and their parameters.


  2. even if the framework provides some control over the request validity (ASP.NET viewstate), check again if the user is authorized to pass the set of incoming parameters.

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Wiktor Zychla Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

Wiktor Zychla