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Loop through Request object keys




This works to loop through all Form keys:

foreach (string s in Request.Form.Keys )        
            Response.Write(s.ToString() + ":" + Request.Form[s] + "<br>");      

But, I want to loop through all Request keys:

foreach (string s in Request )      
            Response.Write(s.ToString() + ":" + Request[s] + "<br>");       

Problem is request.keys is not a collection. But clearly the request object has children that I want to loop through. I'm pretty sure it's possible, I'm just using bad syntax.

thanks in advance!

like image 961
s15199d Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 17:07


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2 Answers

use Request.Params:

foreach (string s in Request.Params.Keys )     
    Response.Write(s.ToString() + ":" + Request.Params[s] + "<br>");       
like image 141
Mark Cidade Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Mark Cidade

Mark is correct this will work but it will return all the keys in cookies, the keys in form that is being sent , and the keys in the query strings and other key value pairs being sent. I suggest getting more specific. If you are receiving a Post object use

   Dictionary<string, string> _properties;
    foreach (string f in report.Form.Keys)
        _properties.Add(f, report.Form[f]);

and for a Get page use

    foreach(string s in report.QueryString.Keys)
like image 30
Jon Segura Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Jon Segura