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Does Greasemonkey allow loading local javascript via @require?

I have tried to include some local Javascript (in the same folder as the GM script) and in both cases, the script fails to load and the scripts seems to stop working until I restart the browser even if the line with the @require is removed.

I tried both

// @require file://script.js


// @require file:///full/path/to/script.js

and both options don't work.

Is loading local Javascript banned in Greasemonkey or does it require some extra settings to enable it?

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vfclists Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 17:12


1 Answers

Yes, you can @require and @resource local files, but the syntax has to be correct. Also, if the script is installed off a server and trying to @require a local file, then extensions.greasemonkey.fileIsGreaseable must be set to true in about:config.

For JS in the same folder as the script:

// @require  Local_Require_1.js

Or use a relative path:

// @require  resources/Local_Require_2.js

A full path:

// @require  file:///D:/Local_Require_3.js

Don't forget the drive letter on Windows.

Note that any or all parts of the @require directive can be case-sensitive, depending on your OS. So, match case exactly.

Also note that when live-editing a script, especially changing @require directives, the script may sometimes silently stop working. If that happens, close the target page tab, uninstall and reinstall the script.

like image 165
Brock Adams Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10

Brock Adams