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Does Firebase blaze plan have the spark plans quota?

Does Firebase Blaze plan have the spark plans free quota?

I want to use Firebase with google cloud platform, but would like to still have the hosting free limits. I don't care about the other services because I don't use them.

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Joar Classon Avatar asked Aug 14 '17 22:08

Joar Classon

People also ask

Is Firebase Spark plan enough?

The Spark Plan is a great option if you're using Firebase mainly for reporting and analyzing your app, rather than using it to build your app. Additionally, smaller scale apps can get away with using most of the paid infrastructure features without surpassing the data limits.

How does Firebase blaze plan work?

On the Blaze plan, Phone Authentication provides a no-cost tier. The first 10K verifications for both instances (USA, Canada, and India and All other countries) are provided at no cost each month. You are only charged on usage past this no-cost allotment. Prices are per successful verification.

What is the Storage limit for the free Spark plan for Firebase Realtime DB?

256 MB from the REST API; 16 MB from the SDKs. The total data in each write operation should be less than 256 MB.

What is Firebase quota?

Quota limits for Firebase CLI deployment For each function that the Firebase CLI deploys, these types of rate and time limits are affected: API calls (READ) - 1 call per deployment, no matter how many functions. Limit: 5000 per 100 seconds.

2 Answers

Update (2018-03-13): projects on the Blaze plan now get the same free quota that projects on the Spark plan get before you'll be billed for usage.

See the blog post announcing this change

Original answer below the fold.

Whether there is a free tier on the metered Blaze plan depends on the Firebase product you use.

Firebase Hosting and Firebase Database on the Blaze plan are charged from the first byte, there is no free tier. But for example Cloud Functions for Firebase and Cloud Storage for Firebase have the same free quota on the Blaze plan as the free tier in the Spark plan.

You can most easily see this by using the pricing calculator at the bottom of the Firebase pricing page.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Frank van Puffelen

Yes it includes free usage from Spark plan included. https://firebase.google.com/pricing/

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Kamran Mushtaq Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Kamran Mushtaq