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Firebase hosting causing insecure connection via www

I'm using firebase hosting for my website. If I visit my website by typing just the domain in the address bar (eg example.com) or https://example.com, it works fine. However, if I were to add a prefix www (eg www.example.com or https://example.com), then I get an insecure connection error. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks

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fatffatable Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 09:02


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Caution: If you run firebase init again and select Hosting, the command will overwrite the hosting section of the firebase.json file back to the default configuration. You can find a full firebase.json configuration example (covering only Firebase Hosting) at the bottom of this page.

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1 Answers

I just realised that you have to add both example.com and www.example.com to your site in the Firebase Console.


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fatffatable Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
