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How to see changes in flutter app when changing values in Firebase Realtime Database?

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I am trying to make these rolling switches to change its value whenever I do any change in Firebase realtime database.

To be more specific, whenever I change the value of Relay1/Data to 0, I want that switch to become inactive.

I've tried and looked everywhere, but I couldn't find any solution.

  bool relay1pressed;
  final databaseReferenceTest = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();

  void initState() {

        .then((DataSnapshot snapshot) {
      String value = snapshot.value['Relay1']['Data'];
      print('Value is $value');
      if (value == '1') {
        relay1pressed = true;
      } else
        relay1pressed = false;

      setState(() {
        isLoading = true;

//Widget build

              stream: databaseReferenceTest
              builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<Event> snapshot) {
                    .then((DataSnapshot snapshot) {
                  String value = snapshot.value['Relay1']['Data'];
                  print('Value is $value');
                  if (value == '1') {
                    relay1pressed = true;
                    print('relay1 bool $relay2pressed');
                  } else {
                    relay1pressed = false;
                    print('relay1 bool $relay2pressed');

                return LiteRollingSwitch(
                  value: relay1pressed,
                  textOn: 'active',
                  textOff: 'inactive',
                  colorOn: Colors.deepOrange,
                  colorOff: Colors.blueGrey,
                  iconOn: Icons.lightbulb_outline,
                  iconOff: Icons.power_settings_new,
                  onChanged: (bool state) {
                        ? databaseReferenceTest
                            .update({'Relay1/Data': '1'})
                        : databaseReferenceTest
                            .update({'Relay1/Data': '0'});
like image 336
Ahmed A. Karasneh Avatar asked Mar 31 '20 01:03

Ahmed A. Karasneh

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1 Answers

You're currently using once() to get the value from the database, which means it only reads the current value. If you want to keep monitoring the value, you'll want to use onValue instead.

    .onValue.listen((event) {
      var snapshot = event.snapshot

      String value = snapshot.value['Relay1']['Data'];
      print('Value is $value');


like image 136
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Frank van Puffelen