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Does anyone know of a C/C++ Unix QR-Code library? [closed]





I'm looking for a QR-Code library for C/C++, not Java or .Net please. Anyone knows of one?

Note: There was a similar question a while back however but it didn't get answered properly.

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Robert Gould Avatar asked Nov 20 '08 07:11

Robert Gould

People also ask

Do QR codes last forever?

No, QR codes do not have an expiration date. The QR code has a Quick Link behind it. As long as the Quick Link is active, the QR code will continue to work. Quick links will always be active if not deleted or archived.

Why did my QR code stop working?

Your phone's camera may have trouble scanning the code if it's tilted at an angle. Make sure that it's level with the surface that the code is printed on. If you're holding your phone too close or too far away, it won't scan the code.

Will we run out of QR codes?

The complexity of a QR code also means that there are a practically infinite number of possible permutations — everyone on earth can assign a unique QR code to every photo, link, and product ever created, and we'll never run out.

How can I check if a QR code is valid?

To check if your QR Code is working properly, scan the Code using your smartphone's camera or a reader app. If your QR Code is readable and working properly, the camera or app will prompt you to open the link or display the landing page.

2 Answers

How is this one?


like image 73
Jason Coco Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Jason Coco

The zxing library is primarily Java, but, includes a port of the QR Code detector and decoder to C++.

like image 42
Sean Owen Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Sean Owen