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How to make Git commit hash available in C++ code without needless recompiling?

A fairly common requirement, methinks: I want myapp --version to show the version and the Git commit hash (including whether the repository was dirty). The application is being built through a Makefile (actually generated by qmake, but let's keep it "simple" for now). I'm fairly well versed in Makefiles, but this one has me stumped.

I can easily get the desired output like this:

$ git describe --always --dirty --match 'NOT A TAG'

The C++ code expects the commit hash to be made available as a preprocessor macro named GIT_COMMIT, e.g.:

#define GIT_COMMIT "e0e8556-dirty" // in an include file
-DGIT_COMMIT=e0e8556-dirty         // on the g++ command line

Below are the several different ways I have tried to plumb the git describe output through to C++. None of them work perfectly.

Approach The First: the $(shell) function.

We use make's $(shell) function to run the shell command and stick the result into a make variable:

GIT_COMMIT := $(shell git describe --always --dirty --match 'NOT A TAG')

main.o: main.cpp
    g++ -c -DGIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) -o$@ $<

This works for a clean build, but has a problem: if I change the Git hash (e.g. by committing, or modifying some files in a clean working copy), these changes are not seen by make, and the binary does not get rebuilt.

Approach The Second: generating version.h

Here, we use a make recipe to generate a version.h file containing the necessary preprocessor defines. The target is phony so that it always gets rebuilt (otherwise, it would always be seen as up to date after the first build).

.PHONY: version.h
    echo "#define GIT_COMMIT \"$(git describe --always --dirty --match 'NOT A TAG')\"" > $@

main.o: main.cpp version.h
    g++ -c -o$@ $<

This works reliably and does not miss any changes to the Git commit hash, but the problem here is that it always rebuilds version.h and everything that depends on it (including a fairly lengthy link stage).

Approach The Third: only generating version.h if it has changed

The idea: if I write the output to version.h.tmp, and then compare this to the existing version.h and only overwrite the latter if it's different, we wouldn't always need to rebuild.

However, make figures out what it needs to rebuild before actually starting to run any recipes. So this would have to come before that stage, i.e. also run from a $(shell) function.

Here's my attempt at that:

$(shell echo "#define GIT_COMMIT \"$$(git describe --always --dirty --match 'NOT A TAG')\"" > version.h.tmp; if diff -q version.h.tmp version.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm version.h.tmp; else mv version.h.tmp version.h; fi)

main.o: main.cpp version.h
    g++ -c -o$@ $<

This almost works: whenever the Git hash changes, the first build regenerates version.h and recompiles, but so does the second build. From then on, make decides that everything is up to date.

So it would seem that make decides what to rebuild even before it runs the $(shell) function, which renders this approach broken as well.

This seems like such a common thing, and with make being such a flexible tool, I find it hard to believe that there is no way to get this 100% right. Does such an approach exist?

like image 226
Thomas Avatar asked Aug 07 '18 13:08


People also ask

How is commit hash generated?

Every time a commit is added to a git repository, a hash string which identifies this commit is generated. This hash is computed with the SHA-1 algorithm and is 160 bits (20 bytes) long. Expressed in hexadecimal notation, such hashes are 40 digit strings.

How do you find the hash of a commit?

If you have the hash for a commit, you can use the git show command to display the changes for that single commit. The output is identical to each individual commit when using git log -p .

How does git determine commit hash?

In Git, get the tree hash with: git cat-file commit HEAD | head -n1. The commit hash by hashing the data you see with cat-file . This includes the tree object hash and commit information like author, time, commit message, and the parent commit hash if it's not the first commit.

How do I copy a commit hash?

If you use this extension, a magic clipboard icon appears in next to commit hash text. You can just click the icon to copy the commit hash to clipboard.

5 Answers

I found a nice solution here:

In your CMakeLists.txt put:

# Get the current working branch
    COMMAND git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

# Get the latest commit hash
    COMMAND git rev-parse HEAD

and then define it in your source:

target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE

In the source it will now be available as a #define. One might want to make sure that the source still compiles correctly by including:

#define GIT_COMMIT_HASH "?"

Then you are ready to use, with for example:

std::string hash = GIT_COMMIT_HASH;
like image 176
Tom de Geus Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Tom de Geus

It turns out my third approach was fine after all: $(shell) does run before make figures out what to rebuild. The problem was that, during my isolated tests, I accidentally committed version.h to the repository, which caused the double rebuild.

But there is room for improvement still, thanks to @BasileStarynkevitch and @RenaudPacalet: if version.h is used from multiple files, it's nicer to store the hash in a version.cpp file instead, so we only need to recompile one tiny file and re-link.

So here's the final solution:


#ifndef VERSION_H
#define VERSION_H
extern char const *const GIT_COMMIT;


$(shell echo -e "#include \"version.h\"\n\nchar const *const GIT_COMMIT = \"$$(git describe --always --dirty --match 'NOT A TAG')\";" > version.cpp.tmp; if diff -q version.cpp.tmp version.cpp >/dev/null 2>&1; then rm version.cpp.tmp; else mv version.cpp.tmp version.cpp; fi)

# Normally generated by CMake, qmake, ...
main: main.o version.o
    g++ -o$< $?
main.o: main.cpp version.h
    g++ -c -o$@ $<
version.o: version.cpp version.h
    g++ -c -o$@ $<

Thanks everyone for chiming in with alternatives!

like image 5
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


First of all, you could generate a phony version.h but use it only in version.cpp that defines the print_version function used everywhere else. Each invocation of make while nothing changed would then cost you only one ultra-fast compilation of version.cpp plus the fairly lengthy link stage. No other re-compilations.

Next, you can probably solve your problem with a bit of recursive make:

TARGETS := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(wildcard *.cpp)) ...

ifeq ($(MODE),)
$(TARGETS): version
    $(MAKE) MODE=1 $@

.PHONY: version

    VERSION=$$(git describe --always --dirty) && \
    printf '#define GIT_COMMIT "%s"\n' "$$VERSION" > version.tmp && \
    if [ ! -f version.h ] || ! diff --brief version.tmp version.h &> /dev/null; then \
        cp version.tmp version.h; \
main.o: main.cpp version.h
    g++ -c -o$@ $<


The $(MAKE) MODE=1 $@ invocation will do something if and only if version.h has been modified by the first make invocation (or if the target had to be re-built anyway). And the first make invocation will modify version.h if and only if the commit hash changed.

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Renaud Pacalet Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Renaud Pacalet

Using .PHONY directly means the target file is presumed not to exist, which you don't want for real files. To force a recipe that might rebuild a file, make it depend on a phony target. Like so:

.PHONY: force
version.c: force
        printf '"%s"' `git describe --always --dirty` | grep -qsf - version.c \
        || printf >version.c 'const char version[]="%s";\n' `git describe --always --dirty`

(except markdown doesn't understand tabs, you have to fix that in the paste)

and the version.c recipe will run every time, since its phony dependency is presumed not to exist, but things that depend on version.c will check the real file, which only really gets updated if its contents didn't have the current version.

Or you could generate the version string in version.h as with the "Approach the Second" setup in your question, the important thing is not to tell make real files are phony.

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jthill Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10


Why not have version.h depend on your .git/index file? That is touched whenever you commit or change something in your staging area (which does not happen often, usually).

version.h: .git/index
    echo "#define GIT_COMMIT \"$(git describe --always --dirty)\"" > $@

If you plan on building without Git at some point, you will need to change this, of course...

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Botje Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
