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How to pass a lambda in a function with a capture?




My title is my main question. The code below shows what i want to do, but it causes an error.

class B
    void DoSomething(void (*func)())

class A
    int x;
    void Start(B* b)
        auto func = [this]()->void

If I remove the "this" keyword, then the program works, but then I cant reference the x variable.

So how can I achieve this?

like image 878
Assassinbeast Avatar asked Feb 18 '15 00:02


2 Answers


void DoSomething( void (*func)() )


void DoSomething( std::function<void()> func )

Your current parameter type void (*func)() is a function pointer, which is a type of callable (something that can be called like a function) that doesn't hold state. That is why your variable this can't be passed into the function.

Only lambdas that capture nothing can be converted to a stateless function pointer.

std::function however can represent (almost) anything callable. It could be a raw function, or an instance of a class that implements operator(), or it could be your lambda holding state.

like image 165
Drew Dormann Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Drew Dormann

An alternative is to simply use templates to avoid the potential overhead associated with large lambdas that need to be packaged by std::function.

#include <functional>

using namespace std;

template<typename Callable> 
void DoSomething(Callable c) { c(); }  // calls the lambda with no args

int main() 
     DoSomething([]{ printf("Hello\n"); });   
     DoSomething([msg = "World"] { printf("%s\n", msg); });

Live Code: http://goo.gl/LMvm3a

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rparolin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
