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Do you need Solr/Lucene for MongoDB, CouchDB and Cassandra?

If you have RDBMS you probably have to use Solr to index your relational tables to fully nested documents.

Im new to non-sql databases like Mongodb, CouchDB and Cassandra, but it seems to me that the data you save is already in that document structure like the documents saved in Solr/Lucene.

Does this mean that you don't have to use Solr/Lucene when using these databases?

Is it already indexed so that you can do full-text search?

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never_had_a_name Avatar asked Aug 23 '10 18:08


People also ask

Is Lucene a NoSQL database?

Apache Solr is a subproject of Apache Lucene, which is the indexing technology behind most recently created search and index technology. Solr is a search engine at heart, but it is much more than that. It is a NoSQL database with transactional support.

What database does Solr use?

Solr runs as a standalone full-text search server. It uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search, and has REST-like HTTP/XML and JSON APIs that make it usable from most popular programming languages.

What type of database is Lucene?

Lucene is not a database — as I mentioned earlier, it's just a Java library. It's coming from the world of information retrieval, which cares about finding and describing data, not the world of database management, which cares about keeping it.

1 Answers

It depends on your needs. They have a full text search. In CouchDB the search is Lucene (same as solr). Unfortunately, this is just a full text index, if you need complex scoring or DisMax type searching, you'll likely want the added capabilities of an independent Solr Index.

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Don Albrecht Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11

Don Albrecht