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A lot of WriteConflict errors with MongoDB transactions

I'm currently playing with transactions in latest available docker image of MongoDB 4.1.4 (using Node 8.12.0 and Mongoose 5.3.8 as client). I've made a simple replica set with 3 mongo instances, everything works fine and all until I do a lot of WriteConflict errors during short time.

My code looks like this:

// name, value are strings
// date is current time

const session = await createAnalyticsTransaction(); // returns 'session'

// _id is pregenerated
var stat = await Logger.findById(_id).session(session);

if (stat) {
    // do nothing if it already exists
    return true;

await Logger.update({
}, {
    $setOnInsert: {
        created: date.toDate(),
        modified: date.toDate()
}, { 
    upsert: true 

    var period = 'month';
    var time = '2018-11'; 
    await Analytics.update({
    }, { 
        $setOnInsert: {
            created: date.toDate()
        $inc: inc
    }, {
        upsert: true,
        session: session 

await session.commitTransaction();
await session.endSession();

Everything works here so far until I uncomment an upsert into Analytics collection with $inc and $setOnInsert and run about 1000 simultaneous operations. The idea is that Analytics collection should be created if it wasn't created yet. And then I start getting a lot of MongoError: WriteConflict, with error's property errorLabels having TransientTransactionError.

enter image description here

I assume it's because of $inc or upsert: true? Did anyone experience this? What's the best solution in this case?

{ MongoError: WriteConflict
   at /Users/akuzmenok/Zend/MeteorLingua/lingua-analytics/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:581:63
   at authenticateStragglers (/Users/akuzmenok/Zend/MeteorLingua/lingua-analytics/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:504:16)
   at Connection.messageHandler (/Users/akuzmenok/Zend/MeteorLingua/lingua-analytics/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:540:5)
   at emitMessageHandler (/Users/akuzmenok/Zend/MeteorLingua/lingua-analytics/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:310:10)
   at Socket.<anonymous> (/Users/akuzmenok/Zend/MeteorLingua/lingua-analytics/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:453:17)
   at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
   at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
   at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
   at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)
   at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)
   at TCP.onread (net.js:597:20)
=> awaited here:
   at Function.Promise.await (/Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
   at Promise.asyncApply (imports/lib/analytics.js:97:9)
   at /Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
=> awaited here:
   at Function.Promise.await (/Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
   at Promise.asyncApply (imports/lib/analytics.js:139:5)
   at /Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
=> awaited here:
   at Function.Promise.await (/Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
   at Promise.asyncApply (imports/lib/analytics.js:158:5)
   at /Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
=> awaited here:
   at Function.Promise.await (/Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
   at Promise.asyncApply (imports/lib/analytics.js:49:23)
   at /Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
=> awaited here:
   at Function.Promise.await (/Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
   at Promise.asyncApply (imports/lib/analytics.js:14:23)
   at /Users/akuzmenok/.meteor/packages/promise/.
 errorLabels: [ 'TransientTransactionError' ],
 operationTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 12, high_: 1541424838 },
 ok: 0,
 errmsg: 'WriteConflict',
 code: 112,
 codeName: 'WriteConflict',
  { clusterTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 12, high_: 1541424838 },
    signature: { hash: [Object], keyId: 0 } },
 name: 'MongoError',
 [Symbol(mongoErrorContextSymbol)]: {} }

Another note, I'm starting a transaction like this:

const session = await MongoAnalytics.startSession({ causalConsistency: true });
session.startTransaction({ readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' }, writeConcern: { w: 'majority' } });
like image 818
Alex K Avatar asked Nov 05 '18 13:11

Alex K

People also ask

Is MongoDB good for transactions?

For situations that require atomicity of reads and writes to multiple documents (in a single or multiple collections), MongoDB supports multi-document transactions. With distributed transactions, transactions can be used across multiple operations, collections, databases, documents, and shards.

Does MongoDB support concurrency?

MongoDB allows multiple clients to read and write the same data. To ensure consistency, MongoDB uses locking and concurrency control to prevent clients from modifying the same data simultaneously.

What is multi-document transaction in MongoDB?

In Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB, operations on a single document are atomic. Multi-document transactions enable applications to execute atomic operations across multiple documents. It offers "all-or-nothing" semantics to the operations.

What is transient transaction error?

A TransientTransactionError is a transactional error that is classified as temporary, and if retried it may be successful.

1 Answers

You read data from database and then update it. It look like :

DATA (state 0) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 1) --->

When you perform two asynchronous call :

DATA (state 0) <---
DATA (state 0) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 1) --->
UPDATED DATA (state 1') ---> ERROR

It returns an error because the state of the data changed. This is how transactions are supposed to work.

To avoid the access conflict you can implement a custom queue system. Or catch the error and re-run the transaction with a setTimeout with a maximum number of try.

Queue system :

DATA (state 0) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 1) --->
DATA (state 1) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 2) --->

Re-run system

DATA (state 0) <---
DATA (state 0) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 1) --->
UPDATED DATA (state 1') ---> ERROR
DATA (state 1) <---
UPDATED DATA (state 2) --->
like image 88
Orelsanpls Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10
