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Do you inflate your estimated project completion dates? [closed]

Hofstadter's Law: Any computing project will take twice as long as you think it will — even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

If you inflate your estimate based on past experiences to try and compensate for your inherent optimism, then you aren't inflating. You are trying to provide an accurate estimate. If however you inflate so that you will always have fluff time, that's not so good.

Oh yes, I've learnt to always multiply my initial estimation by two. That's why FogBUGZ's Evidence-Based Scheduling tool is so really useful.

Any organization that asks its programmers to estimate time for coarse-grained features is fundamentally broken.

Steps to unbreak:

  1. Hire technical program managers. Developers can double as these folks if needed.
  2. Put any feature request, change request, or bug into a database immediately when it comes in. (My org uses Trac, which doesn't completely suck.)
  3. Have your PMs break those requests into steps that each take a week or less.
  4. At a weekly meeting, your PMs decide which tickets they want done that week (possibly with input from marketing, etc.). They assign those tickets to developers.
  5. Developers finish as many of their assigned tickets as possible. And/or, they argue with the PMs about tasks they think are longer than a week in duration. Tickets are adjusted, split, reassigned, etc., as necessary.
  6. Code gets written and checked in every week. QA always has something to do. The highest priority changes get done first. Marketing knows exactly what's coming down the pipe, and when. And ultimately:
  7. Your company falls on the right side of the 20% success rate for software projects.

It's not rocket science. The key is step 3. If marketing wants something that seems complicated, your PMs (with developer input) figure out what the first step is that will take less than a week. If the PMs are not technical, all is lost.

Drawbacks to this approach:

  1. When marketing asks, "how long will it take to get [X]?", they don't get an estimate. But we all know, and so do they, that the estimates they got before were pure fiction. At least now they can see proof, every week, that [X] is being worked on.
  2. We, as developers, have fewer options for what we work on each week. This is indubitably true. Two points, though: first, good teams involve the developers in the decisions about what tickets will be assigned. Second, IMO, this actually makes my life better.

Nothing is as disheartening as realizing at the 1-month mark that the 2-month estimate I gave is hopelessly inadequate, but can't be changed, because it's already in the official marketing literature. Either I piss off the higher-ups by changing my estimate, risking a bad review and/or missing my bonus, or I do a lot of unpaid overtime. I've realized that a lot of overtime is not the mark of a bad developer, or the mark of a "passionate" one - it's the product of a toxic culture.

And yeah, a lot of this stuff is covered under (variously) XP, "agile," SCRUM, etc., but it's not really that complicated. You don't need a book or a consultant to do it. You just need the corporate will.