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Do not open RStudio internal browser after knitting

I'm working on a presentation in RStudio using rmarkdown and revealjs template. Since it's a work in progress, I often knit the .Rmd file to see the changes.

The problem is, each time I press "Knit" button (or use a hotkey), an internal browser window pops up. I don't need it, really, because 1) it displays the presentation incorrectly and 2) I already have the .html file open in my system browser and I simply refresh the page.

Is there any way to suppress the default RStudio behaviour?

Ideally, I'd love to be able to knit and see the result in the system browser (with focus on it) in as few keypresses as possible. Right now, my solution is to source(render.R), which contains a call like

       revealjs_presentation(theme="black", highlight="zenburn"), 
       encoding = "UTF-8")

Better than nothing, but still a bit tedious (set focus from editing to console, source, refresh page -- 3 actions). Any suggestions?

For an MWE, open [New File] -- [R Markdown...] and hit "Knit HTML" or Ctrl+Shift+K.

like image 992
tonytonov Avatar asked Jul 29 '15 10:07


People also ask

What does knit document mean on RStudio?

Better still, RStudio includes a “Knit” button that enables you to render an . Rmd and preview it using a single click or keyboard shortcut.

Why can't I knit my R markdown?

No Knit HTML button This means that RStudio doesn't understand your document is supposed to be an RMarkdown document, often because your file extension is . txt. To fix this, go to the Files tab (lower right corner, same pane as Plots and Help) and select the checkbox next to your document's name.

Why will my code run but not knit?

If a chunk works in R but not when you knit, it is almost always because you've changed a variable in your global working environment not using code in a chunk. Try restarting your R session and running each chunk sequentially to make sure all your variable values are up to date.

What does it mean to knit a markdown file in R?

knit - You can knit the file. The rmarkdown package will call the knitr package. knitr will run each chunk of R code in the document and append the results of the code to the document next to the code chunk. This workflow saves time and facilitates reproducible reports.

2 Answers

RStudio keeps moving this feature around. Johnathan's answer was good for the prior version of RStudio that I was using. You could find it starting with Tools > Global Options and then if you are on 0.99.x, here:

enter image description here

I'm currently on 1.0.44 and now it's here:

enter image description here

In all fairness to RStudio, I think creating a new R Markdown option section and putting it here makes good sense.

like image 103
Michael Szczepaniak Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09

Michael Szczepaniak

To add a litte bit to the answer of Michael (on how to disable the internal window):

I am using only the following script by sourcing it to render the file and open the resulting html file in the browser in one step:


file.name <- "introduction"
path.to.file <- "vignettes/"

rmarkdown::render(file.path(path.to.file, paste0(file.name, ".Rmd")),
       revealjs_presentation(theme="default", highlight="default"),
       encoding = "UTF-8")

browseURL( file.path(path.to.file, paste0(file.name, ".html")))

Note: This script does also work within a package project of RStudio.

like image 39
R Yoda Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

R Yoda