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Do not add TITLE as heading to body when exporting org file

This export option:

#+TITLE: My title

Does two things:

  1. adds a meta tag on the document's head: <title>My title</title>
  2. adds a heading at the start of the generated content div: <h1 class="title">My title</h1>

I want 1 but do not want 2. Is it possible to configure this?

like image 711
blueFast Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 18:10


1 Answers

Something like this "should" work according to http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html#Export-settings:

#+OPTIONS: title:nil
#+HTML_HEAD: <title>My special title</title>

but in my setup this doesn't actually suppress the title. it does add an extra <title> to the head block though with the text you put in.

If you make the title blank, e.g.


then there is no title, but still apparently two titles in the head. Is that close to what you want?

like image 194
John Kitchin Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 19:10

John Kitchin