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Do I need to manually declare >= and <= operators?

If I already have operator > and operator < defined (and operator ==), do I need to define operator >= and operator <=, or will the compiler declare them for me if I intentionally don't declare them?

Also, if I have operator == defined, will the compiler declare operator != for me?

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Jamin Grey Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 17:07

Jamin Grey

2 Answers

No, the Compiler won't declare/define any of the operators you did not define manually. However, Boost.Operators might be to your liking - it does exactly what you want the compiler to do.

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Arne Mertz Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

Arne Mertz

The compiler won't do anything itself for you here, but it's relatively simple to generate automatically by inheriting from an appropriate class, something like:

template< typename DerivedType >
class ComparisonOperators

    friend bool         operator!=( 
                            DerivedType const&  lhs,
                            DerivedType const&  rhs )
        return !(lhs  == rhs);

    friend bool         operator<=( 
                            DerivedType const&  lhs,
                            DerivedType const&  rhs )
        return !(rhs < lhs);

    friend bool         operator>( 
                            DerivedType const&  lhs,
                            DerivedType const&  rhs )
        return rhs < lhs;

    friend bool         operator>=( 
                            DerivedType const&  lhs,
                            DerivedType const&  rhs )
        return !(lhs < rhs);

                        ~ComparisonOperators() {}
} ;

Define < and == in your class, and derive from this, and you'll get all of the operators:

class MyClass : public ComparisonOperators<MyClass>
    //  ...
    bool operator==( MyClass const& other ) const;
    bool operator<( MyClass const& other ) const;
    //  ...

Just a note: I've manually simplified the version I actual use, which defines == and < as well, looks for the member functions compare and isEqual, and uses compare for == and != when there is no isEqual. I don't think I've introduced any errors, but you never know.

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James Kanze Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

James Kanze