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Django: Using named parameters on a raw SQL query

I'm trying to execute a raw query that is build dynamically. To assure that the parameters are inserted on the valid position I'm using named parameters.

This seem to work for Sqlite without any problems. (all my tests succeed) But when I'm running the same code against MariaDb it fails..

A simple example query:

 SELECT u.* 
    FROM users_gigyauser AS u
  WHERE u.email like :u_email
    GROUP BY u.id
    ORDER BY u.last_login DESC

Parameters are:

 {'u_email': '%test%'}

The error I get is a default syntax error as the parameter is not replaced. I tried using '%' as a indicator, but this resulted in sql trying to parse


and that returned a type error.

I'm executing the query like:

 raw_queryset = GigyaUser.objects.raw(self.sql_fetch, self._query_object['params'])

Or when counting:

 cursor.execute(self.sql_count, self._query_object['params'])

Both give the same error on MariaDB but work on Sqlite (using the ':' indicator)

Now what am I missing?

like image 424
Flip Vernooij Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 14:03

Flip Vernooij

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2 Answers


The format needs to have s suffix as following:

like image 186
yedpodtrzitko Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10


If you are using SQLite3, for some reason syntax %(name)s will not work. You have to use :name syntax instead if you want to pass your params as {"name":"value"} dictionary.

It's contrary to the documentation, that states the first syntax should work with all DB engines.

Heres the source of the issue: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10070#comment:18

like image 1
Jack Scandall Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10

Jack Scandall