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Shortest Syntax To Use numpy 1d-array As sklearn X

I often have two numpy 1d arrays, x and y, and would like to perform some quick sklearn fitting + prediction using them.

 import numpy as np
 from sklearn import linear_model

 # This is an example for the 1d aspect - it's obtained from something else.
 x = np.array([1, 3, 2, ...]) 
 y = np.array([12, 32, 4, ...])

Now I'd like to do something like

 linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(x, y)...

The problem is that it expects an X which is a 2d column array. For this reason, I usually feed it

 x.reshape((len(x), 1))

which I find cumbersome and hard to read.

Is there some shorter way to transform a 1d array to a 2d column array (or, alternatively, get sklearn to accept 1d arrays)?

like image 445
Ami Tavory Avatar asked Mar 05 '16 08:03

Ami Tavory

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1 Answers

You can slice your array, creating a newaxis:

x[:, None]


>>> x = np.arange(5)
>>> x[:, None]

Is equivalent to:

>>> x.reshape(len(x), 1)

If you find it more readable, you can use a transposed matrix:


If you want an array:

like image 152
Mike Müller Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Mike Müller