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Django template and latex

I want to use Latex to create PDF files with my Django templates.

But, when it generates the PDF file, some characters are not encoded in a good way, especially the ' (apostrophe): Latex stops compiling and if I ignore the error, the output is &#39.

I'm French, so my Python files are UTF-8, my database UTF8-general-CI and I use those packages for Latex: [utf8]{inputenc} [T1]{fontenc} [francais]{babel} {lmodern}

All french accents are generated, so I don't know where the problem is?

Any idea?

Here is my view:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def results_contact(request, checkup_id):
    title = get_object_or_404(Checkup, pk=checkup_id).name

    template_file = 'activities/results.tex'

    t = loader.get_template(template_file)
    context = Context({
              "title":    title,

    return HttpResponseRedirect('/download_file/upload/checkups/%s.pdf' % basename)

And my template:


\name{My name}
\address{My address}
\lieu{My city}
\conc{ {{ title }} } %here is my variable

For example, if title=Visite d'Adam, the output will be

Objet : Visite d&#39Adam

Here is the log:

! Misplaced alignment tab character &.
<argument> Visite d&
l.35 \conc{ Visite d&#39;Adam }
like image 211
lebastidien09 Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 13:11


1 Answers

This is a result of automatic HTML escaping. As you are not generating HTML, you can turn this feature off:

{% autoescape off %}

            \name{My name}
            \address{My address}
            \lieu{My city}
            \conc{ {{ title }} }
{% endautoescape %}
like image 182
Ludwik Trammer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Ludwik Trammer