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Django development IDE [closed]





People also ask

Which IDE is best suited for Django development?

Pycharm IDE from Jetbrains is the best IDE for Django development.

Does Django have an IDE?

Wing Pro is a Python IDE that can be used to develop, test, and debug Python code written for the Django web development framework. The debugger works with Django's auto-reload feature and can step through and debug Python code and Django templates.

How do I use Django on Windows 10?

Django can be installed easily using pip . In the command prompt, execute the following command: pip install django . This will download and install Django. After the installation has completed, you can verify your Django installation by executing django-admin --version in the command prompt.

Why do we need virtual environment in Django?

In most simple way, a virtual environment provides you a development environment independent of the host operating system. You can install and use necessary software in the /bin folder of the virtualenv, instead of using the software installed in the host machine.

There is PyCharm from JetBrains which supports Django and Google Apps. It looks promising.

Note: You need to buy a license for the Professional version if you want Django support. The Community version desn't support Django.

I use Eclipse and a plain vanilla PyDev. There isn't any specific Django functionality. The best I came up with was setting up a run profile to run the development web server.

If you add the web tools project (WTP), you'll get syntax highlighting in your templates, but nothing that relates to the specific template language. PyDev is a decent plugin, and if you are already familiar with Eclipse and use it for other projects it is a good way to go.

I recall NetBeans starting to get Python support, but I have no idea where that is right now. Lots of people rave about NetBeans 6, but in the Java world Eclipse still reigns as the king of the OSS IDEs.

Update: LiClipse is also fantastic for Django.
enter image description here
Install it, use this method to get the icon into Ubuntu's menu. Start LiClipse and in File > New > Project ..., select PyDev and PyDev Django project. You may have to set up your Python interpreter etc, but that you'll be able to figure out on your own. Once the Django project is created, you can right click on the project and the menu will have a "Django" option, which allows various things like creating a Django app or running migrations etc. LiClipse is good because it consumes far lesser memory than PyCharm and supports refactoring and autocomplete reasonably well.

I use Vim:



Sublime Text 2 is pretty awesome. It supports a lot of Vim commands if you want them: Vintage Mode

It has a nice package manager: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control

I use these packages so far:





Theme - Soda


I still love Vim but ... did I mention that Sublime Text plugins are written in Python?

I use Komodo Edit. Check out the Open Komodo Edit.



I am beginning to enjoy working with Aptana Studios + PyDev (and other) plugins for all sorts of web application development. As you can tell, it is built on top of the powerful Eclipse, but is tailor-designed to focus on web application development.

I use Kate (KDE Advanced Text Editor) for most of my development, including Django. It has both a Python and Django Templates syntax higlighting. I switch to Quanta+ when a significant part of the project involves HTML.

Since it uses Kate's KPart, it's just as good for editing the Python parts, and for the HTML templates i have the whole Quanta+ tools, while still highligting Django-specific tags.

Update 2013: Unfortunately, Quanta+ has been dead for years now, and there's no hope that it will ever be resurrected. Also, there's no other usable HTML editor out there, so it's Kate all the time now.