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Display a view from another controller in ASP.NET MVC

People also ask

Can two different controllers access a single view in MVC?

Yes. Mention the view full path in the View method. If the name of your Views are same in both the controllers, You can keep the Common view under the Views/Shared directory and simply call the View method without any parameter.

How do I return a view from a controller?

To return a view from the controller action method, we can use View() method by passing respective parameters. return View(“ViewName”) – returns the view name specified in the current view folder (view extension name “. cshtml” is not required.

How do I return a partial view to another controller?

Another best way is to place Partial View inside shared folder & call same partial View from different controller using Shared Folder. And then call it from controller as mentioned above. That's it.

Yes. By default, ASP.NET MVC checks first in \Views\[Controller_Dir]\, but after that, if it doesn't find the view, it checks in \Views\Shared.

The shared directory is there specifically to share Views across multiple controllers. Just add your View to the Shared subdirectory and you're good to go.

If you do return View("~/Views/Wherever/SomeDir/MyView.aspx") You can return any View you'd like.

You can use:

return View("../Category/NotFound", model);

It was tested in ASP.NET MVC 3, but should also work in ASP.NET MVC 2.

Yes its possible. Return a RedirectToAction() method like this:

return RedirectToAction("ActionOrViewName", "ControllerName");

Have you tried RedirectToAction?

Yes, you can. Return an Action like this :

return RedirectToAction("View", "Name of Controller");

An example:

return RedirectToAction("Details/" + id.ToString(), "FullTimeEmployees");

This approach will call the GET method

Also you could pass values to action like this:

return RedirectToAction("Details/" + id.ToString(), "FullTimeEmployees", new {id = id.ToString(), viewtype = "extended" });