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Disable use of MacVim keyboard shortcuts

Is there any way to disable keyboard shortcuts in MacVim? I mean the shortcuts like Cmd + s for example, I want to convince myself to use things like :w, but I can't do so if I can save the file using Cmd + s, you get me?

But I of course, still want to use the GUI, so is there any way to disable these, without stoping using the MacVim GUI?

Thanks for your help. BTW I made a Google search and wasn't able to find an answer.

Following @ChrisJohnsen's suggestion, I have already tried the following with no success:

if has('gui_running')
    macmenu File.Save key=<nop>
    macmenu File.Save\ As\.\.\. key=<nop>

I moved the error I'm getting over to this other question: When I try to run vim in command line I get Python errors

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greduan Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 02:11


People also ask

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2 Answers

There is no simple way to disable all of the pre-defined Mac-style keyboard shortcuts, but you can definitely change/disable any of them. The important command is :macmenu (see :help :macmenu); it lets you set the Mac-specific properties of any Vim menu item (mostly Mac-specific keyboard shortcuts and Mac-specific actions (e.g. open/save dialog boxes, window manipulations, etc.)).

macmenu File.Save key=<nop>
macmenu File.Save\ All key=<nop>
macmenu File.Save\ As\.\.\. key=<nop>

The thing is that :macmenu commands are only effective if they are in your .gvimrc file.

If you do :e $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim and search for macm, you will find the list of pre-defined shortcuts and actions. Copy the desired lines to you .gvimrc and replace key=<whatever> with key=<nop>. You can also wrap them in if has("gui_macvim") / endif if you need your .gvimrc to work on multiple platforms.

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Chris Johnsen Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10

Chris Johnsen

MacVim has only one "advantage" over plain Vim: it supports native Mac OS X shortcuts. If you don't want those shortcuts you might as well simply use plain Vim.

FWIW, when I switched from TextMate I, too, found after a while that these native shortcuts were an obstacle on my way to learning Vim. My solution was to focus my efforts on plain Vim. After a week in the terminal you should be able to completely disregard those shortcuts.

I'd advise you to take a little pause and think about doing things in a more appropriate order:

  1. In the terminal, do $ vimtutor as many times as needed.

  2. In the terminal again, use $ vim for simple tasks first then more complex tasks. There's a predictable productivity hit at the beginning but it will last only a few days/weeks.

  3. Once you have reached your previous level of productivity, you can start to fly Vim full-time. At that point, using MacVim or GVim or plain $ vim should make no difference whatsoever.

Bonus points for not relying too much on plugins, other people's vimrcs or "distributions" like janus or spf13…

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romainl Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10
