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Disable Test target in Xcode

I have 2 targets in my Xcode project, 1 app target and 1 test target. Since my project has become rather large to compile I want to disable the test target so it doesn't need to compile my Swift files twice for both targets.

Any idea how to disable (not remove) my test target from building?

like image 908
Andy Jacobs Avatar asked Oct 20 '15 08:10

Andy Jacobs

People also ask

How do I delete a test target in Xcode?

You can either right click the test and delete or select the target then select the minus symbol ( - ) at the bottom of the Document Navigator pane. Hope this helps.

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You can disable XCTests run by Xcode by right clicking on the test symbol in the editor tray on the left. You'll get this menu, and you can select the "Disable " option.

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To see detailed information about a particular setting, select the setting and choose View > Inspectors > Quick Help. Xcode displays a description of the setting, along with its name and value type.

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1 Answers

There is a disable option if you right-click on the target, in the test targets view:

Disable tests target

like image 82
Marco Massenzio Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Marco Massenzio