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disable swipe gesture in xcode 4

Does anyone know how to disable the swipe gesture in Xcode 4 that causes you to jump to a new file? I find that more times than not, this gesture causes me to switch to unintentionally move away from a file I am scanning (I suppose I was lazy before when scrolling up and down, so my fingers would also move horizontally).

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rich.e Avatar asked Aug 11 '11 22:08


Video Answer

2 Answers

The problem with Aaron's answer is that it disables the gesture completely in all the apps, including Safari. To disable it in Xcode only, type this in the Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool NO


Note that you might have to restart Xcode for these changes to take effect.

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KPM Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10


You have to go outside Xcode and through System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures then un-tick 'Swipe between pages'.

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Sig Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
