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Xcode can't find header file

I am trying to make a framework for my project. Into my framework I added the path of my header files to target>Build Settings>header-search path. After that I added this framework to my project by Build Phases>Link Binary With Libraries.

When I want to import the header file which I included in my framework, I get a .h file not found error. Is what I'm trying to do possible? Or am I missing anything?

I created framework like that;

Opened new project as iOS>Framework&Library>Cocoa Touch Framework I didn't add any class, i just added header search path and library search path and linker flags. I don't think i did a mistake in this part because we do it in every project but first time i m doing this for framework. Then i pressed run and get my framework from Products.

I opened my project and added framework Build Phases>Link Binary With Libraries. I m able to import header file of framework like #import <myframework/framework.h> After this i added framework also General>Embedded Binaries. Everything look normal but i cannot add headers to my project which i included to my framework with header search path. I have to use header search path because there is tons of headers, i cannot add all of them to my Xcode.

like image 640
Yucel Bayram Avatar asked Nov 13 '15 11:11

Yucel Bayram

1 Answers

Make sure you all Public Header appears in Public Section else drag and drop .h file to public enter image description here

like image 156
Meghs Dhameliya Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Meghs Dhameliya