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Signing out of Xcode Organizer?



I've got multiple developer accounts setup on my Mac, and now needs to sign out of my account to access another's resources. I couldn't find such option anywhere.

Any idea how to sign out of Xcode Organizer?

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Anh Avatar asked Mar 18 '12 11:03


People also ask

How do I switch accounts in Xcode?

Click Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. In the resulting dialog, click the small plus sign under the left side list of accounts and servers. Complete the resulting form, providing your Apple ID and password. Close Preferences, and then change the Team list box entry from None to the team associated with the Apple ID.

2 Answers

Open Keychain Access, go to the Passwords category and remove the passwords associated with Xcode. Their name contains apple.com (example: daw2.apple.com).

If you have a doubt about whether a password is associated with Xcode, right click on it, select Get Info and see if Xcode is listed in the Access Control tab.

Finally, note that Xcode asks you if you want to save the passwords in Keychain when you enter them. You can skip saving them so that you can choose the correct account every time.

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sch Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


In the latest xcode (v9.2) I had to goto xcode (in the menu bar), then preferences, then click on the 'accounts' tab. Here I could remove the old account.

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trevdev Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
