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Disable Liquibase temporarily in JHipster 2.26

I am using JHipster as a tool to teach Software Engineering. I would like to teach JHipster incrementally to soften the learning curve . In this regard, please, I'd like to know the smartest way to temporarily disable Liquibase . I prefer to use the JPA2 DDL auto functionality at the begining of the Academic course (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-database-initialization.html#howto-initialize-a-database-using-jpa) . Thank you very much for this awesome AngularJS + Spring Boot generator.

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Alfredo Avatar asked Jan 01 '16 18:01


People also ask

How do I disable Liquibase in JHipster?

In order to disable Liquibase in Maven-based project, you need to edit pom. xml file and add the new profile in the profiles node. ... <profile> <id>no-liquibase</id> <properties> <profile.

What is Liquibase in JHipster?

JHipster uses Liquibase to manage the database updates, and stores its configuration in the /src/main/resources/config/liquibase/ directory.

1 Answers

I'm using jihipster 3.12, in Jhipster 3.12, in your src\main\resource\config\application-dev.yml

change profiles setup to add "no-liquibase" like this:

        active: dev
        include: swagger, no-liquibase

Hope that helps

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Tan Dao Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Tan Dao