I would appreciate some suggestions. I am accomplishing a simple load of one table with five records from a CSV file. When I load the table, I get the below the error:
liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
This is by csv file
1,Nate Happy,natehappy1761@me.com,1761 Brookview Trail,(205) 555-1212
2,Brigette Happy,brigettehappy7507@me.com,7507 Meadowgate Lane,(704) 555-1212
3,Katie Happy,katiehappy7507@me.com,7507 Meadowgate Lane,(704) 555-1212
4,Lauren Happy,laurenhappy@me.com,7507 Meadowgate Lane,(704) 555-1212
5,Jackson Hope,jacksonhope@me.com,7507 Meadowgate Lane,(704) 555-1212
This is my changeset for loading the data
<changeSet id="6-loadData" author="liquibase" dbms="postgresql" >
<preConditions onErrorMessage="Failed Pre Conditions for table" onFail="HALT">
<tableExists schemaName="public" tableName="contact" />
<sqlCheck expectedResult ="1">SELECT COUNT(*) contact</sqlCheck>
<comment>Adding Data...</comment>
<loadUpdateData catalogName="pg_catalog"
quotchar="A String"
<column name="contact_id" type="int" />
<column name="contact_name" type="varchar(45)"/>
<column name="email" type="varchar(45)" />
<column name="address" type="varchar(45)" />
<column name="telephone" type="varchar(45)" />
This is my changeset for creating the table:
<changeSet id="4 Create Table" author="liquibase" runAlways="true">
<preConditions onErrorMessage="Failed Pre Conditions for table" onFail="MARK_RAN">
<not><tableExists schemaName="public" tableName="contact"/> </not>
<comment>Creating Table named: Contact...</comment>
<createTable tableName="contact" schemaName="public">
<column name="contact_id" type="int" >
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>
<column name="contact_name" type="varchar(45)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="email" type="varchar(45)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="address" type="varchar(45)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="telephone" type="varchar(45)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
Here is the sequence I am using to the primary key (contact_id)
<changeSet id="2-Create Sequence" author="liquibase" runAlways="true">
<preConditions onErrorMessage="Failed Pre Conditions for sequence" onFail="MARK_RAN">
<not><sequenceExists schemaName="public" sequenceName="contactid_seq" /></not>
<comment>Creating Sequence...</comment>
<createSequence sequenceName="contactid_seq"
This is how I am using the constraint:
<changeSet id="5-Add Constraint" author="liquibase">
<comment>Adding contactid_seq sequence to Contact table...</comment>
<addDefaultValue catalogName="pg_catalog"
defaultValueSequenceNext="contactid_seq" />
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
First, we import the psycopg2 package and establish a connection to a PostgreSQL database using the pyscopg2. connect() method. before importing a CSV file we need to create a table. In the example below, we created a table by executing the “create table” SQL command using the cursor.
To import CSV using this PgAdmin Import CSV method, you have to do the following: Click on the Tools tab at the top of your PgAdmin Home Page. Select the Query Tool in the drop-down menu that appears. Enter the title and columns in your CSV file as an SQL Query.
I discovered the CSV file was missing the HEADER column names. The LoadUpdateData's column elements use specific Java types, such as String instead of VARCHAR(45) and NUMERIC instead of "int". Once I corrected these two errors, I was successful.
Don't forget to change a string of quotchar, if you set it like in manual,
quotchar="A String"
then Liquibase will mark letter "A" as quotes.
You can exclude it from changeset and use default html quotes charset
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