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Liquibase - Add defaultValueComputed as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to timestamp column

I am using liquibase 3.5.3 to run liquibase update command on MySql 5.5. I have below changeSet to create a table which has a column as Created_Time that should have a default value as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

<changeSet author="authorName" id="AutoGeneratedId">
    <createTable tableName="aTable">
        <column autoIncrement="true" name="Id" type="INT">
            <constraints primaryKey="true"/>
        <column name="Code" type="VARCHAR(45)"/>
        <column defaultValueComputed="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" name="Created_Time" type="TIMESTAMP(19)"/>

While firing liquibase command it throws an exception as Unexpected error running Liquibase: Invalid default value for 'Created_Time' [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE aTable (Id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, Code VARCHAR(45) NULL, Created_Time TIMESTAMP(19) DEFAULT NOW() NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_ATABLE PRIMARY KEY (Id))]

Liquibase is converting CURRENT_TIMESTAMP into NOW() that might be causing this issue.

Can some please provide me any solution or alternative to this issue?

like image 634
Suraj Prajapati Avatar asked Feb 14 '18 18:02

Suraj Prajapati

2 Answers

Add type as 'TIMESTAMP' as following

<column defaultValueComputed="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" name="Created_Time" type="TIMESTAMP"/>
like image 55
Duminda Jayarathne Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Duminda Jayarathne

This is a weird scenario causes by how liquibase handles DateTime defaultValueComputed or defaultValueDate.

In short anything that starts with current_timestamp or the default function on your target engine to get the current timestamp will replace *the whole string* by only the default function call ignoring anything else you put.

We ended up with something like this:

            <column name="created_at" type="datetime"
                <constraints nullable="false" />
            <column name="updated_at" type="datetime"
                defaultValueComputed="NOW() ON UPDATE NOW()">
                <constraints nullable="false" />

LiquibaseDataType helper function

like image 28
Rafael M Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Rafael M