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Disable Enable Trigger SQL server for a table

People also ask

Can we disable a trigger on table?

DML triggers defined on tables can be also be disabled or enabled by using ALTER TABLE. Changing the trigger by using the ALTER TRIGGER statement enables the trigger.

How do I enable and disable a trigger in SQL?

Enabling and disabling DML triggers on a table. Navigate to triggers folder at the table level, select the trigger, Right click on trigger and Click on Enable/Disable to Enable or disable the trigger using SSMS.

How do I temporarily disable triggers in SQL Server?

In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine and then expand that instance. Expand the database that you want, expand Tables, and then expand the table that contains the trigger that you want to disable. Expand Triggers, right-click the trigger to disable, and then click Disable.

use the following commands instead:



The line before needs to end with a ; because in SQL DISABLE is not a keyword. For example:


As Mark mentioned, the previous statement should be ended in semi-colon. So you can use:

; DISABLE TRIGGER dbo.tr_name ON dbo.table_name

After the ENABLE TRIGGER OR DISABLE TRIGGER in a new line write GO, Example:

DISABLE TRIGGER dbo.tr_name ON dbo.table_name

-- some update statement

ENABLE TRIGGER dbo.tr_name  ON dbo.table_name


I wanted to share something that helped me out. Idea credit goes to @Siavash and @Shahab Naseer.

I needed something where I could script disable and re enable of triggers for a particular table. I normally try and stay away from tiggers, but sometimes they could be good to use.

I took the script above and added a join to the sysobjects so I could filter by table name. This script will disable a trigger or triggers for a table.

select 'alter table '+ (select Schema_name(schema_id) from sys.objects o 
where o.object_id = parent_id) + '.'+object_name(parent_id) + ' ENABLE TRIGGER '+ t.Name as EnableScript,*
from sys.triggers t 
INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects DS ON DS.id = t.parent_id 
where is_disabled = 0 AND DS.name = 'tblSubContact'